Mother's Helping Hands 1
Mother’s Helping Hands – Part One
by Nick Storming
Publisher: Fractured Press
Copyright© 2019 Fractured Press
All characters are 18 and older
Table of Contents
Mother’s Helping Hands – Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Fractured Press
Chapter One
My stepmom blamed herself for the accident, no matter what the officers told her. She was driving me to baseball practice and we had just crossed Main street when a car shot out of the cross street, running the red light at full speed. All I remember was the screech of steel and impact of the dashboard, as the front of the car crumpled in to smash my arms.
I woke in the hospital groggy from pain killers and both arms in casts up past my elbow. Looking down, I felt my stomach churn in revulsion at my swollen bruised fingers. The index and middle fingers of both hands were in the cast, leaving me only thumb, ring and pinky fingers free. My stepmom was there in the hospital, sleeping in a big chair in the corner, a hospital blanket covering her trophy wife figure. Looking around I was disappointed but not surprised to find my dad not there.
My birth mother passed away when I was young and my father remarried soon after. Lisa was much younger than him, and I think he only married her for her looks and for someone to help raise me. Soon after their marriage he lost himself in his work as an investment banker. When I was ten or so he began to manage his own fund, and that’s when he disappeared from our lives almost entirely. He bought a large house in upstate and filled it with every comfort he could think of, then rented an apartment in Manhattan for himself. He would visit on holidays, rarely spending the night.
All I’d ever known were the streets of Brooklyn, where I had dozens of friends and a wonderful life. Suddenly in my freshman year of high school we were living in a tiny town of mostly investment bankers, tucked into a small valley. The average household income of our neighborhood was in the millions, and the kids were spoiled enough to prove it.
I made friends and joined a few sports teams, but I was never really happy since we moved. My stepmom Lisa I believe was the same. She made the best of it, like me. She was a social butterfly and was always entertaining wives of other partners at the firm where my dad worked. Most of the senior bankers lived in our neighborhood and their wives were a lonely group. Their kids for the most part were spoiled rich little shits, having grown up in extreme wealth their entire lives.
Lisa had taken to motherhood like a fish to water. I think that’s the only reason she didn’t leave my father years ago. Each night there was a home cooked meal waiting for me when I got home from practice, and a packed lunch every morning. She would keep up with my classes and makes sure I did each assignment, even hiring a professor friend of hers from the city to tutor me in physics when I had struggled for a short time in the subject my junior year.
She was the perfect stepmom, and our relationship should have been a great one. There was only one thing that got in the way of me being completely comfortable around her, and that was her beauty. It’s shameful to admit, but the first time I saw Lisa, when my dad brought her home, I fell in love and lust with her. She had been the center piece of my fantasies most of my teenage life and only through jacking off four to five times a day, was I able to be around her with any measure of normalcy, and not stare or ogle her every other minute.
Lisa had been a model when she was younger, but the slim and slender body of her teenage years developed into a woman with hips and breasts. So, she had moved into fashion, working for a design company when my father met her. She is 5’7’’ with massive breasts, I checked her bra one time, they are a size E cups. She has a slim waist and narrow hips with a big firm butt. Her hair is thick and lustrous dark brown with highlights that she has touched up weekly. She is breathtakingly beautiful, like I said, and the amount of creep shots of her ass and tits in my phone, would attest that I am a bit obsessed.
She has always insisted on being there for all of my practices, games and functions. That’s why she was driving me to practice, even though it was my senior year and I’d had my license since I was sixteen. That’s also why I wasn’t surprised to find her the one person who had stayed by my bedside while I was unconscious.
As I turned my head to look at her sleeping angelic face, the blanket molded to her sensual body, I was relieved to see she wasn’t injured. Nothing more than a few bruises and scratches at least. A nurse come bustling in to check the machines hooked up to me. Mom’s yes popped open at the nurses noise and she caught my eyes.
“You’re awake!” she cried as she jumped to her feet and came to the bedside, “Oh thank god, your father will be so relieved too.” Reaching out to hold my hand hers froze when she saw mine in the thick cast, fingers bruised purple. Then with a concerned look she tuned to look at me, one gentle hand pushing the hair out of my face, “How do you feel Jack?”
“Tired,” I said my eye lids heavy, “sore.” The nurse was injecting something into the IV stuck in my arm. Tears sprang into moms eyes and she covered her mouth in one hand.
“You get some more rest. You’ll be home soon.” I nodded at her and felt myself drift off to sleep.
When I woke next the nurses were bustling about me, removing the tubes and getting me ready to go home. I was still groggy from pain killers and my arms ached something fierce. I learned that both wrists had been broken, and several bones in my hands as well. The doctors didn’t think I would be able to play baseball anymore, at least not for a year or two as I went through physical therapy. I listened to it all stoically, accepting this new reality, while mom was attentive, asking the doctors and nurses questions about what kind of care I would need and making follow up appointments for our return in a day or two
I was grateful when they wheeled the chair in and informed us, we could check out. I just wanted to be in my room and have the comfort of home surrounding me. With both arms in casts and my body so bruised I couldn’t manage to sit up on my own and my stepmom came over to help, along with a nurse. They each slid their hands beneath my back and pressing in close, helped lift me on the count of three. It was humiliating enough needing the help, but as I felt my stepmoms big soft breasts press into my arm a surge of blood rushed to my crotch.
To my mortal embarrassment I happened to be looking at the nurses face when she saw the thin hospital nightgown twitch over my hardening cock and she got a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she looked up and caught mine. Then her eyes darted to my stepmom, as she worried over me and I saw the smile deepen.
When I was in the chair and the nurses headed off to their other patients the nurse who had helped me out of bed, took the handles of the chair and began to walk us out. I remember the ride out as cold and long, but finally we got to the car and with both ladies help I was able to get into the back seat. The nurse pushed the buckle into place and she caught my eye, giving me a subtle wink and a small smile before she shut the door and taking my mom around the back of the car, began to speak with her in quiet tones.
My mom got into the car a few minutes later with a small frown on her face. When she looked up in the mirror and saw me her cheeks colored slightly and she glanced down as if embarrassed.
“Mom what is it?” I asked.
“Nothing Jack, just something the nurse mentioned… about your recovery.” She said, starting the car and pulling out of the parking garage. She saw the sad look on my face in the mirror and smiled warmly, “Don’t worry, we will make the best of it.”
When we got home it took about ten minutes to maneuver through the house and up to my bedroom. One minute in and both of us were cursing my dad for bein
g absent. He had shown up at the hospital when I was unconscious, but only stayed an hour before heading to the airport. Eventually we got to my room and I went to get into bed.
“You can’t sleep in the hospital gown,” said mom and she left me sitting on the mattress as she rummaged through my dresser for some clothes. She came back with a pair of boxers and a t-shirt from when I was twelve. Looking at me again sitting there she laughed nervously, “Don’t know what I was thinking! I guess I’d forgotten how much you’ve grown up.”
She went back to the dresser and got my normal clothes and coming back she began to awkwardly untie the gown.
“Just relax,” she said, her voice sounding anything but relaxed, “we will have to get used to this, I suppose.” She kept her head and eyes averted from me as she pulled the hospital gown away. I was embarrassed as my naked body came into view, but the truth was I was so tired and sore, I just wanted it over with so I could lay down. She kept her head turned to the side and eyes tightly closed as she slipped the boxers up my legs and let me scoot into them the rest of the way. The whole affair was one of the most awkward of my life.
“I’m sorry,” she said her voice husky as she helped me lay back and propped pillows under my arms, “I’ll get better at all of this.” When I was laying back with a blanket over me, heavy eyelids droopy, I felt her hand on my brow stroking the hair back.
“My sweet boy,” she said voice thick with emotion, “I will take care of you, anything you need. I promise, I will take care of you darling.” Sleep took me as her thick lips pressed a kiss to my forehead. The vision of her large breasts hanging down within her blouse filled my sight and sped me off to pleasant, if frustrating dreams.
Chapter Two
The next morning found me dry mouthed and aching all over from the bruising of the accident. Mom was there seconds after my eyes opened and from the looks of the big comfy chair she had dragged into the middle of my bedroom, she had taken up residence in here. She came in moving slowly and quietly holding a breakfast tray.
“You’re awake,” she said warmly when she saw my eyes open, “I have some eggs and bacon, if you can manage to eat. The doctor said you should have something in your stomach when you take your pain pill.”
“I am hungry,” I said realizing I was ravenous. Then a more pressing need presented itself, and my cheeks colored in embarrassment as I said, “But I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Right,” my stepmom said all business as she helped me stand and led me to my bathroom. One nice thing about having a father who is an investment banker, is a super nice house. I was completely useless and was feeling super frustrated as I had to side waddle my way in through the doorway. I couldn’t even push down my own pants, what eighteen-year-old kid wouldn’t be mortified to have his stepmom pull down his pants and hold his dick while he pissed?
She said nothing as we oriented ourselves at the toilet. Standing beside me she turned her head, looking away and I did the same, my cheeks coloring red. I think the embarrassment was the only think that kept my dick soft and thank god. I could feel her breasts pressed against my side, and her soft hair brushing my neck. Then her cool fingers took my soft cock and directed it, a torrent of piss streamed out. My whole body relaxed at the relief.
As I was finishing the embarrassment faded and I thought about my stepmoms hand, the one I had fantasized about for so many years, now on my cock and to my great shame, I felt it pulse, thickening and hardening in her soft hand. She sucked in a sharp breath and I knew she noticed, her fingers flexing into my cock for one second. I turned my head back but she was quickly putting my dick back into my boxers and cleaning up, her face composed.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” she said finally meeting my eyes. She saw my embarrassment and her face filled with love and compassion. She came and held me close, as she supported me back to bed. “We will get through this Jack, I know it’s going to be awkward for a bit, but we will figure it out. I love you, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you have a good recovery.”
“Thanks mom,” I said, “I love you too.” She kissed me on the cheek once I was in bed and then brought the tray over. She sat on the side of my bed and spooned eggs with bacon and mushrooms mixed in, into my mouth. Like everything else, it was awkward at first but then we found a good rhythm.
“Maybe I will cook something more substantial for your dinner, how does lasagna sound?” Lisa came from an Italian family and her lasagna was legendary.
“You know I could grow to like this,” I said chuckling, “being waited on hand and foot by a beautiful woman, some people pay big money for this.” My stepmom laughed.
“Don’t get too used to it buster,” she said with a smile as she scooped up the last of the eggs, “You’re back to feeding and bathing yourself once your arms are out of those casts.”
“Bathing?” I asked mortified. I hadn’t even considered that I couldn’t bathe myself.
“Those casts are going to be on for at least eight weeks Jack,” she said in a quiet voice, “and the nurse said you’ll need to be bathed regularly, so the cuts and scratches don’t get infected.” I sat there mortified, nightmare scenarios of her laughing at my nakedness or something else equally bad, running through my head. My stepmom saw the look on my face and hers softened as she cupped my cheek in one warm hand.
“Don’t worry darling, like I said, mommy will take care of you.” In spite of myself my cock throbbed at her husky voice. I took my morning pill and as its narcotic effects dragged me down to sleep, I felt the sexual frustration, like hot rocks in my balls.
I woke in the early afternoon and mom had set up the giant television from her bedroom up in my room. Pushing aside the smaller television my game consoles were hooked up to. She pulled her chair beside my bed and made a big bowl of salty popcorn, although I had little appetite. I felt a swell of love in my breast as she queued up the Lord of the Rings trilogy, a series I had been trying to get her to watch with me for years.
We watched the first half of the first movie and then she went off to the kitchen to pull out the lasagna. Coming back a while later with a giant plate, I saw she had a glass of wine for herself. This time as she fed me it was much more comfortable and she was even laughing and joking with me as she finished off her glass. The movie ended and she helped me to the bathroom. Turning on some music in the house, her cheeks were rosy either from the wine or embarrassment I’m not sure which, as she turned on the shower and let the water heat up. Coming back from the kitchen she slipped my arms into trash bags and taped the ends off sealing them. I felt ridiculous and we were both laughing as she adjusted the water temperature.
“Ok mister, time to get you cleaned, you’re starting to smell a little ripe!” She said in good natured humor, trying to cut the tension now building. Then her cheeks coloring even further, she knelt down and pulled my shorts and boxers off. I couldn’t help but watch her face as she saw my nude form for the first time. Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. In embarrassment, and awkwardness I assumed.
Turning with my face beet red I stood under the hot water, holding my arms up high to keep them out of the water as best I could. My mom didn’t say anything as she squeezed a dollop of into her hands. Pulling me back and to the edge of the shower she took my head in her hands she massaged the soap into my scalp. Her fingers were gentle and the feeling almost hypnotic and I felt myself relaxing back. The muscles in my back and shoulders relaxing for the first time under the hot water, steam and her gentle fingers.
“That feels good,” I murmured.
“I’m glad,” I heard her whisper behind me, “my poor Jack, you’re so bruised and tense. You needed this.”
I didn’t argue with her, but as she finished up, I felt her large breasts encased in a white t-shirt and thick, supporting bra, brush against my back. Suddenly I was tense again, aware of how close my sexy stepmom was to me. My cock swinging in the water grew hard, standing out slowly and proudly as s
he rinsed the shampoo from my hair. I was cursing myself inwardly, imagining old women and men naked, baseball, anything to reduce my shame and make my boner go away.
“Turn back around,” she said and I kept my eyes closed in both shame and because of stray soap and was able to clearly hear her sharp intake of breath. My arms were tired and I rested the casts on the top of my head. Then opened my eyes in time to watch as mom took a rag and soap in her hands and lathered it up. Her eyes met mine and I saw hers soften, the beautiful green shining with love as she began to soap my chest and arms.
“I know this is awkward honey,” she said, a small and gentle smile on her face, all trace of awkwardness or embarrassment gone from her, “but to be honest I’m secretly happy I get to take care of you like this. I feel it can only bring us closer together. Just relax honey,” she had soaped up and scrubbed my legs and now I felt her hands on my hips.
“Mom?” I asked my voice a little panicked even to my own ears.
“Just relax baby, let mommy take care of you,” I was facing into the shower and I felt her arm snake around my waist and her cloth covered hand wrapped around my steel hard cock. The shock and suddenness of her grip made me gasp.
“Shh,” she whispered in my ear. I felt her grip tighten slightly on my cock, firm and in control. Then she began to slide the rag up and down, her motion more stroking than cleaning. “You need this,” I felt her press herself against my back, large heavy breasts squished and then the press of her hips on my ass was too much.
The orgasm rolled through me so powerfully I almost fell, but mom was there supporting me already, knees shaking and nerve endings tingling, the cum shot out of my dick, striking the shower wall in thick long ropes.
“Yes!” My stepmom hissed in my ear, her breathing was heavy and labored. Reality began to sink in and as she wiped clean my dick, it turning to steel once more in her hand.