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New World Alpha: Book Three (A Harem Fantasy) Page 10
New World Alpha: Book Three (A Harem Fantasy) Read online
Page 10
“I’m stretched too thin,” I said, realizing the truth as soon as I admitted it. “Things have been barreling forward like a ball rolling downhill, and I barely know what the hell’s going on. The world is chaos, and I’ve barely had a chance to sit down with you or Madelyn, let alone Shandra, and have… I don’t know, a deep conversation or something.”
“Is that what this is about?” Ava asked, her face growing thoughtful as she nodded. “I can see that… and I might have a solution to that for you.”
In answer to my questioning frown, Ava just offered me a wink and slipped out of my arms to find Madelyn, who was hearing instructions on how to load and chamber rounds in a light machine gun.
Annie gave both of her parents another hug goodbye before climbing onto the plane to join us. We thanked the pair one last time before sealing the cabin door and taxiing around to the runway. As the plane took off and I watched the world shrink outside the small window, I couldn’t help fearing this was the last time I’d see my home continent.
Chapter 19
“We want you to bond us together,” Annie said, drawing me out of my focused study of a map on my phone.
The two young women stood beside one another, shifting nervously from foot to foot, but their scents were as determined as their expressions. I sat back in my chair and glanced over to where Ava sat, but she offered me a smile that said, “Don’t look at me.”
“We already know what your objection will be,” Brianna said quickly. “But this will be special for both of us!”
“Explain,” I said, closing my phone and setting it aside.
I indicated they should both sit down, but they remained standing, both with hands clasped before them as if they’d prepared this speech in the three hours we’d been in flight over the Atlantic.
“I’ve grown up dreaming of being a member of a pride,” Annie said, her freckled features cherry red and her eyes looking at the floor, but she powered through the wave of embarrassment that filled her scent. “Once, when I was twelve, I snuck into the Alpha-Omega house when Tom Redding was visiting. His first-wife, Jocelyn, was a professor for a semester, and she’d identified two coeds for her Alpha…” The girl’s eyes traveled up to meet mine finally and I saw a burning well of passion in her that remained untapped. “Watching him bond them together…” She shivered and bit her bottom lip before going on. “After that, the pair were inseparable. They’d been friendly before but became like sisters after, and I would like to be that for Brianna.”
She smiled at the dark-haired driver, but I was unconvinced. Shifting my gaze to Brianna, I raised an eyebrow, and she swallowed hard before speaking.
“I’m not as… romantic as Annie,” I was happy to see her break into a grin for the girl and lean against her. “Though I wish I was. My problem is… Sir, I need the sisterhood… I’ve never been comfortable around men and thought I might be a lesbian when I was younger. I’m not,” she hurriedly added. “But I can see this…”—she reached out and brushed a lock of Annie’s red hair over a shoulder and smiled when the teen blushed—“with less fear than I can contemplate… the rest of it.”
A half-dozen things became obvious when she said that. The mixture of wariness and desire she often felt around me, and the comfort she took from Ava, Madelyn, and especially Shandra. Annie looked up at the brunette with a fond smile, her scent filling with compassion, and I came to a decision.
“Then I agree,” I said, holding up a finger when the pair clutched hands and flashed each other excited grins. “On the condition we do it now, before we land. I want us all to be one solid unit before we jump into the fire again.” I met Ava, Madelyn, and Shandra’s eyes and saw they were in agreement. More than that, the three shared satisfied smiles that triggered my suspicions.
“Why don’t you three head into the back office?” Madelyn asked. “I took the liberty of… setting the mood.”
“Give us one minute!” Annie said, her shyness vanishing as she dragged Brianna behind her.
The brunette wore an amused smile as her eyes found mine, and I tracked the pair as they hurried into the back. No sooner had the door shut, than Madelyn and Shandra were on their feet and plucking at my pants.
“These things are disgusting,” Madelyn said before digging through my bag. “Take them off, and I’ll get your something clean.”
“And you smell of old sweat and smoke. Not a bad smell, but we can do better for the girls, I think.” Shandra had me wipe down with a baby wipe, before spritzing me with a faint cologne.
I felt stiff nipples press into my back and the heavenly aroma of Ava surrounded me like a cloud as she ran her fingers up through my hair, combing the dark locks back. As the other two fussed, my stepmom’s hands worked my stiff muscles, easing the last of my tension away before sending me off with a firm swat on the ass and a wink.
I glanced out the window before stepping into the back office and saw the continent passing by beneath us. Dee hadn’t reported any other flights in the air, but I half expected a jet to show up any second and blow us out of the sky. Putting the thought out of my mind, I drew in a deep breath and pushed open the office door.
The sight I found waiting for me inside gave me pause, and I took a long second to take it in. There were no candles on the plane, obviously, but the women had taken pains to give the office the same mood. Red cloth and lace were draped over the three desk lamps around the space, their lights positioned to fill the room with a dim, romantic light.
The desk had been pushed up against one of the curving walls and the chairs and couch stripped of pillows. The pillows and half a dozen blankets lay in the center of the floor, arranged in a large heart shape. Sitting in the center of the heart were Annie and Brianna, each with an arm around the other’s lower back, their fingers gripping one another’s hips nervously as their shining eyes alighted on me.
The girls had removed their clothing and sat in their undergarments. And though I caught a hint of nervous anticipation in their scents, the overpowering aroma in the room was one of accomplishment and desire. Letting the door swing shut behind me, I took a single step into the room, feeling the beast within, slumbering since my fight with the monster and subsequent escape, purr in pleasure.
Brianna looked like a pale angel. The exact type of pretty brunette that would have caught my eye and heart when I was in school. Her dark hair hung down her back long and straight, framing her beautiful face and long neck. The young woman’s breasts were high, firm, and tiny in comparison to Annie’s, and they didn’t seem to need her thin black bra to retain their firm shape. It was the woman’s long, slender legs and her perfect, tight ass that had driven me so crazy over the past couple of days, and from the way she sat and the glint in her eyes when mine fell down to the curve of her backside, she was aware and proud of her best features.
Annie in contrast didn’t know her body at all. The nineteen-year-old held one arm before her stomach, trying to hide the small softness there, as well as cover the green panties that hid the treasure between her legs. The girl’s heavy hips and thighs were smooth as baby skin and a creamy white that made my fingers itch to touch.
It was the teenager’s massive chest that trapped my gaze and made my mouth go dry. She caught the stare and her grin widened and some of the shyness faded from her scent. She sat up a little straighter. The thick green bra she wore swayed side to side with its heavy load. Annie had the biggest and most beautiful tits I’d ever seen before.
Suddenly the tight bra, barely containing those colossal tits, sprang open, Brianna’s fingers having flicked the clasp, and fell down. Annie gasped prettily, and both Brianna and I had similar looks of awe as the teen’s breasts swung free, only to stand out from her chest, firm and proud. The ends were capped in large pale areolae and small inverted nipples that my mouth ached to suckle.
“Hey!” Annie said, flashing the older girl a shocked grin before reaching up and flicking the clasp on Brianna’s bra.
The slender brun
ette had one second of embarrassment, looking at the other girl’s massive breasts. Until she saw Annie’s and my expressions when we took in their perfection. Capped in firm, dark pink nipples, Brianna’s breasts were a perfect handful and looked like they’d been sculpted by a surgeon.
Chapter 20
The word ground out from the back of my throat, filled with deeper tones of command that I took note of with one part of my mind. The beast growled its need, and I wasn’t going to deny it. Not when the pair of them crawled forward with such alacrity.
Annie's massive breasts swayed side to side, and the wide sweep of her hips tantalized, but it was Brianna’s catlike crawl that incensed my desires. The slender woman moved like a dancer, her limbs and torso undulating until she knelt beside Annie, their bottom lips trembling as they stared up at me.
Reaching down, I popped the button on my clean pants, finding it amusing that I’d changed, only to wear them for a couple minutes. As my manhood flopped into view, Brianna sighed in pleasure and Annie gasped, her round eyes going wide. I saw her hand grip the other woman’s tight, a hint of trepidation entering her scent.
The desire to breed filled me, the beast rising up, all want and need, but I didn’t need to submit to its desire. I ruled.
The beast faded as I felt my cock throb. With a tightening of muscles, I was only dimly aware of, I pressed a bit of my essence out. The cabin filled with the musky scent and both women swooned as it affected them.
Their pupils dilated, and they clung to one another, swaying on their knees mere inches from the tip of my cock. Their eyes fell to the fat bead, but both held in place, locked by my will. The effect was so similar to the fear I’d experienced with the monster that I was shocked in place for a long second.
“Nghh.” The faintest whimper of desire escaped Brianna’s throat, and I was brought back into the moment.
Pushing aside the revelation, I came back to the moment and let a low growl of desire escape my own throat. The sound released the women from their spell of stillness and they fell forward as one. Arms around each other’s backs, they both slipped hands around the base of my cock as their tongues ran over the fat head, warring with one another as they both sought to take me into their mouths at once.
“Together,” I purred, seeing them struggle for pride of place. “Work as…. Ohhhh… yesss…. One…. Hmmm.”
The pair glanced at one another and Annie blushed deeply, but Brianna grinned, shuffling closer to the curvy little redhead. Biting her bottom lip, the brunette ran her fingers up into those thick red tresses and pressed the teen’s thick lips around the head of my cock.
Annie’s eyes went wide and rolled back into her head, a moan of pleasure escaping her as she sucked hard, eager little tongue lapping at the tip of my cock as she sucked down my essence. Her thick hips shook, and with difficulty she drew her lips back off my cock, fingers slipping around the base as she angled it to the other woman.
“Now you… I want to see how to do it right.”
Annie’s shy smile made my cock throb all the harder, and I flexed those muscles, my control growing ever so slightly as another bead of clear pre-cum pooled at the tip of my cock. Brianna shuddered when the scent hit her, and she didn’t need the younger woman’s hand pressing her forward as she took my cock into her hot, wet mouth.
I sighed in pleasure as her tonsils massaged the head of my cock, her long tongue teasing the underside. Then Brianna pulled back, her big, dark blue eyes rolling back under fluttering lashes as her lips curling up at the corners in a grin.
“Mhmmm,” she moaned, before pulling back and gasping, her big eyes slowly coming back into focus as she stared up at me. “What…”
“Pre-frontal cortex orgasm,” Annie breathed, the girl’s expression awed as she sat back up, recovering and grinning at the other woman. “I’ve heard it theorized but never… Never dreamed it possible. My entire body is alive… Every nerve ending is screaming for one thing…”
The pair flashed eager grins at one another, then pressed in close, their nails digging into my ass as they pulled me to them. Two sets of lips latched to the sensitive flesh, licking, sucking, and kissing their way up and down either side of my dick.
They kept their eyes locked on each other, their arms holding one another tight as they worked in tandem. I could see their smiles back and forth, the crinkles at the edges of their eyes, when they discovered some new trick together. Such as when they moved back and forth together, lips puffed out and sucking as they moved up and down my dick, earning a moan of pleasure from me. Or when their hands stroked me together, fingers interlocked and slick with their saliva while they took delicate licks around the puffy head of my cock.
The intense pleasure surrounding me had my dick throbbing and balls churning in minutes, but I held off as long as possible, building up a massive double load of cum. Words were beyond me as the pleasure raced up and down my spine and out to curl my toes, but the pair could sense my approaching orgasm and they whimpered wordlessly as their hands worked me with quick, short strokes.
“Yesss!” they cried as one as the first thick shot of pearlescent cum arced forth across their upturned mouths. Then both dove forward, lips and tongues lapping up every drop of my cum as they shared it between them.
My legs were shaking and knees trembling when Annie fell atop Brianna. The teen was shaking with pleasure, her whimpering moans causing my dick to plump up as the girls kissed, tongues pushing my cum back and forth.
“It’s so sweet,” Annie purred in surprise.
“The sweeter it is, the more powerful our man is… that’s what they say.”
“And from the look in his eyes, our man is ready to plow you right now.” Brianna’s hands reached up, gliding across the teen’s pale round ass. “How about it, sir? Do you want to breed this virgin pussy first?”
“Oh, God!” Annie cried when the deep growl of desire issued from the back of my throat and I dropped behind her.
Gripping the teen’s soft hips, I pulled back and her wetness slid along the length of my cock. Brianna’s fingers pressed it against Annie’s pussy lips, grinding the girl’s hard little clit along the shaft. Pulling back, she pressed the fat head into the girl’s waiting sex, and I pushed forward slowly.
I’d never fucked a virgin, and the feeling of her tightness gripping my thick cock was incredible. I nearly lost control and drove forward to the hilt, remembering at the last moment and pressing forward with deliberate slowness. Her womanhood parted like paper before me and with only a brief tensing of her back, the girl sighed out in pleasure.
“Ohhhhh yessss!”
Annie shocked me by thrusting back when I was only a third of the way into her tight red pussy, and I watched in awe as her big soft ass slammed back into me and the girl shrieked in pleasure. Running one hand up her waist and gathering one of those massive, pendulous breasts, I began driving in and out of her with harder and harder thrusts.
“Fuck me, sir! Oh, God, yes, CT, fuck me… breed me… fill me!”
Annie’s shyness was gone as she arched her back, eyes wild with pleasure and her screams filling the cabin. It wasn’t long before the intensity of the teen’s spasming pussy, convulsing in orgasm since the moment I began driving into her with purpose, sent me over the edge.
My fingers sank deep into her firm breast, and I grunted as I flooded the girl’s womb. Her head nearly cracked into mine when her final orgasm hit and she threw it back, a silent scream escaping her before she collapsed upon Brianna.
I didn’t have a chance to recover as the brunette flipped me onto my back with shockingly strong arms. The redhead slumped to the side, a weak grin of bliss twisting her thick lips as her ass shook, aftershocks wracking her body.
Brianna wasn’t screwing around, figuratively.
Ironhard fingers gripped the back of my neck as she pulled me into her kiss, the other hand gripping the base of my still throbbing cock,
sensitive from cumming seconds before. I gasped as the pleasure intensified almost to pain when Brianna pressed me into her sopping sex.
The young woman’s dark blue eyes were locked on mine as she slowly sank down. I watched her expression melt from one of fixed need to gentle joy and then into awed pleasure as she came to rest upon my lap. My manhood filled the slender woman, and I held her close. For one second we remained there, as the last of her mind’s walls tumbled down.
Brianna’s eyes welled up with tears, but she blinked them away rapidly, a fierce smile flashing onto her lips, and before I could open my mouth to speak, she pressed her lips to mine in a passionate kiss.
“Mhphm!” She never broke the kiss, her firm little tongue working its way into my mouth as her ass rose and fell, slamming down with a wet sound as our sexes met.
My hands explored Brianna’s tight little body, cupping her firm ass and breasts as she rode me with wild abandon. It took a little longer to reach my peak of pleasure, but not by much, as the wild little woman screamed out in pleasure in my lap. Her eyes flashed open wide, and her scream choked off into gasps when she felt the first powerful spurts of my cum invade her womb. Then her muscles sagged as she collapsed against me.
Chapter 21
I fell back onto the blankets as Brianna mumbled incoherently atop me. Our combined juices sloughed out of her sex as my softening dick slipped free. But instead of crawling off me, Brianna dragged herself upward, hands clasping the side of my head as she drew my lips to hers in a deep kiss.
When our eyes blinked open, and I stared into hers, I saw peace for the first time since I’d first met her. As I trailed gentle fingers down her spine, Brianna shivered and nipped at my lips before slipping her hips beside mine.