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The Power 4 Page 2

  After the morning training session, I would take a bath with Melinda and Taylor the little jewish baker from the sorority house. The two of them were good friends and Taylor had taken over as something of a household maids’ duties, while Melinda had become a sort of personal assistant to me, well Ashlyn really.

  We would all follow that up with a meal prepared by Sylvia and Diane who were both excellent home cooks. They had formed a good relationship with one another, both with Hispanic ancestry and taught by their grandmothers. Diane had been taught to cook by her French grandmother and Sylvia by her Mexican grandmother and their meals were always phenomenal.

  The larder of the estate was filled almost like magic by the golems that quietly and unobtrusively went about their work. If someone wanted something specific, they had only to record it on a dry erase board that Melinda had wisely set up. It would appear either within the fridges, freezer or cupboards within hours. Occasionally a golem could be seen carrying an item or some groceries about, but for the life of me I never really cared to figured out how they did it. I always had more important things to worry about.

  The rest of the morning I would spend in my sanctuary. It was the one place I was left alone and in peace. I had formed the small island out of basalt in the middle of a small underground lake within the cavern. There was a trickling waterfall and reflecting pool, and I had even cultivated a thick underground moss to cover the hard-stone surfaces. Off in the distance I could see the cheery lights of the castle filled with gorgeous women, and the lights reflected off the massive stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

  I am no monastic to sit cross legged and meditate for hours on end. I made a bench.

  Sitting there I found, was the best way to train my Power. I would draw in as much as possible and hold it within me. I would ride it, waves of churning energy that threatened at every moment to send me crashing to destruction. It sounds like an empty pursuit but what I found was that the more I held the huge quantities of the Power and was able to maintain more and more control over such vast churning energies. I was also increasing my finer skills at weaving intricate patterns within minds and detection or defensive wards. Strength in one equaled strength in the other

  My mind was bent on only one thing and that was the war with the Enemy. Specifically, my abilities at both offense and defense. I thought of every fantasy book I have ever read, every spell of imagined trap that might help me in these times. I created everything I could think of, traps within traps tied and bound to items I could hold about my person. A cloak that could reflect any kind of kinetic energy directed at it back at the attacker. This I made for Ashlyn as well as any others who traveled outside. Even if it afforded them a few seconds of defense, it was better than nothing. I tried for days to make an item that would allow someone other than me to shadow walk, but that proved to be a dead end.

  Ashlyn that bright mind discovered her own version of travel in those early weeks, but she wouldn’t tell me how she learned.

  After spending a few hours out on my sanctuary, I would head back to the castle and take care of whatever chores or issues there were, there seemed to be a never-ending list of things to do domestically. Between me and the golems however we were able to make a remarkably comfortable and relaxing home in a short time.

  The true wonders were my step aunt Sharon, my mom and Diane. The three of them soon had the whole household organized and rooms upon rooms were set aside and furnished. I don’t know how many women they were planning to bring in here, but they were like three generals marshalling their troops. The younger women fell in line with aplomb and for the most part there was little drama within the keep in those first couple weeks.

  I was deep within my training with the Power in that first week, fine tuning my control constantly as I grew in strength to levels that began to frighten me. I would love to relay all of the encounters of those training sessions as they were so wild and amazing every time, but that would take up far more space than I can afford in this tale, so let me leave you with a few choice moments as well as this one truth: as time progressed, as I grew more powerful and the women more comfortable and open, the sex got better and better. Interesting bonds were formed in that time between the women, and we all drew immensely close together.

  If Ashlyn was in the compound then she would sleep in bed with me at night. Kate would often, but not always, she had other bonds that drew her away and I loved her even more for it. My stepmom would always be there when I woke, often with her mouth softly and gently fellating my cock as heavenly dreams and the pleasure drew me from sleep.

  It was a wonderful and peaceful time, a peace that was surely needed.

  Always though hovering on the edge of conversation but never talked about was the decision I had to make about gifting the Power to the women. I wrestled with it daily and knew the longer I waited to decide the more I could be weakening the harem. But I feared what might happen if we made a mistake, and I lost one of these women to my own hubris. Ashlyn would help me to see the wise path near the end of that first week.

  As for what went on when on while I was busy training, I was unaware of it at the time. So, I will let Ashlyn relay that in her own words.

  Chapter Two

  Let me just say this right at the start, my brother Sean has many wonderful and amazing talents but one thing he has always lacked is the ability to properly manage a wide-ranging project. He is like a sniper bullet or arrow fired at a target, beautiful, true and oblivious to the equally necessary battle being fought around him.

  This war if nothing else is a very wide-ranging project and would take place on multiple fronts. I could see it so clearly. No matter if Sean was able to defeat this Enemy, the minions would swarm him, and all of us. Sean needed his own army.

  Sean had begun to put some of the pieces in place, but now he needed to focus on getting more powerful and fine tune his ability to use that strength. I however was never one to sit around and wait. So I constructed my own plans and put them into motion.

  First thing first was making sure all of the women in our little community knew what the stakes were and what was necessary, if we were to have any chance of beating that monster and his minions. That first night as Sean slept, we had the first meeting of The Circle, as the women had begun to call themselves.

  I looked around at the large group of women and drew in the Power, feeling as always wonder and joy as it filled me. I delved deep into the hearts and minds of all here and was delighted to see that most of them understood the gravity of our situation and what would be needed. I was also surprised to see a hunger in many of them and a question about when they too would receive Sean’s gift of the Power.

  “What I see as our greatest weakness is our lack of information about this Enemy and his creatures.” I said, starting things off.

  “I agree,” said Tajwa, her eyes looking into the distance as she concentrated, “If he is as ancient as Sean says then there must be historical evidence of his or his minions’ influence on history. Perhaps with knowledge of his existence things in our own history will begin to make more sense.”

  “That's all well and good,” said Melinda, “but how does that help us now?”

  “If we can establish patterns in the Enemies actions, we may be able to build a model that could be applied to our current world, giving us information on their locations or plans.”

  “Is that even possible?” Kate asked

  “Oh yes,” said Tajwa looking around with an owlish expression, “It would be a relatively simple model to construct, if I am able to find the relevant historical data.”

  “What would you need to accomplish this?” I asked, intrigued by the possibility and reassured at Tajwa’s confidence which she felt down to her core.

  “I need complete access to the Al-Qarawiyyin Library in Morocco.” Tajwa replied immediately, “and at least two hours to photograph certain documents and records, then I will need a month for translation and construction of the mo
del. I will know within the first week of research if the Enemy can be tracked or if the effort is folly.”

  “Why this library?” my mom asked.

  “It is one of the oldest functioning libraries in the world and has a broad selection of ancient texts and histories from the past two and a half thousand years of human civilization. If the goal is to spend as little time as possible on the surface, then this is the location that I can maximize my time. If Alexandria still existed, I would want to be there.”

  “Where?” Meegan asked.

  “Never mind,” I said, “excellent plan Tajwa.” I let me intense pride in her show and she beamed back. “Tajwa has given us one way to track the enemy, but it can’t be the only thing we rely upon. We need backup plans for everything.”

  “I would be willing to bet he has his evil fingers involved in the capital markets.” Said Asuka with a small smile. “Yes, I am almost certain he must be.”

  “So, finance?” I asked. “New York then.”

  “Yes.” Asuka said with a firm nod.

  “We will also need our own financial security, that is something else I wanted to talk about.” I said.

  “I have that covered, if I can get back to my office or to one of our corporate trading terminals.” Asuka replied.

  “Very well,” I said with a sigh, “Looks like you will be taking a trip. Can you find a terminal in New York?”

  “If you and your Power are there with me then I believe so. They have terminals all over the bank’s headquarters in Manhattan.”

  “Perfect.” I said.

  “What about Sean and taking care of what he needs?” Mom asked looking around the room with a small smile, “You are all gorgeous and beautiful women, and I can’t thank you enough for being here for my Sean,” she turned back to look at me with a determined expression, “But in a few weeks, if he keeps on as he is, he will need even more women to satisfy him.”

  Looking around I saw several of the women's faces grow red and embarrassed at my mom’s frank words, but when I read their minds and hearts, they one and all were looking forward to more time with my step brother. Though I could feel here and there sparks of jealousy in some of the women. There would be conflict, not even Sean could make all the issues between women disappear, but she could feel the beginning of love forming between all of the women here.

  “That ties in with what I really wanted to talk about,” I said, gravely looking around and catching every woman's eye before I began to lay out my plan. You could hear a pin drop in the room as I spoke.

  Soon the women were nodding along with smiling hopeful faces as it was all laid out for them. Once I had put it out there, each woman gave her thoughts and advice. Again, I was reminded at how competent, thoughtful and brave these gorgeous women are.

  We spent hours going over the plans and breaking parts of it down. Finally, we ended our meeting of The Circle by all joining hands and I sent a wave of Power out and through each woman, connecting all of us.

  Faces turned to look at one another in wonder as every woman's emotions, desires and surface thoughts were shared all around. We stood there for a minute feeling as one.

  “We did not start in any formalized way, but we will next time.” I said, “but I would like to end with this ritual each session.”

  “A miracle,” whispered Mary and Sharon together before they looked at one another and smiled.

  “You all know what you have to do, let's not waste any time.” With that we all dropped hands and began to bustle about the house.

  Those first few days were about setting up a routine, one that challenged Sean and was also sustainable day in and day out. While that was going on Jessica and Justine began their search through the greatest hospitals in the world, Asuka began to plan her infiltration and then plan for what to do about our finances and Tajwa made a list of texts she wanted to study.

  It was an exhausting task to manage and run the household, but thankfully Mom, Aunt Sharon and Diane seemed to relish the job. They soon had the household running smoothly and with Mom there I knew Sean would always be taken care of and given all the hungry mouths, pussies and assholes he needed to sate his desires.

  Melinda was also a great help to me. I rarely make female friends, not ones who are close and willing to open up to me, but with Melinda I knew I had found one for life. With every woman here I had love and friendship, but with Melinda it was stronger.

  She seemed almost to read my mind about what needed to be done and I knew that when I left, she would be there to watch over him more objectively than Mom or Kate could be trusted to.

  My most important task during those first few days was to learn about my own Power. It takes a different shape than Sean’s, I seem to be much better at manipulating minds and the delicate intricate work of molding flesh. I’ve seen my little brother do many miracles with the Power but there was one that I knew to be far beyond all the rest. And he seemed willfully blind to their efficacy.

  It was the Golems.

  These autonomous creatures would take commands and perform tasks with amazing alacrity. I saw reason in their movements. I saw thoughtfulness in the way they performed tasks, going beyond the parameters of commands in order to accomplish the task as it should be completed.

  On our second full day in our new home I was finally able to sit down with one of the creatures and I delved deeply into it with the Power. I was amazed to discover layer upon layer of consciousness in these creatures, like an onion, but the layers interacted with one another in intricate and complex patterns. I realized with wonder that it was a neural network that I was witnessing and the network grew before my eyes.

  Weaving a connection between the creatures’ foreign mental patterns and my own, I was able to form a matrix of connecting lines of power that translated thought between us.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,” the soft sound was felt in my mind, and not heard with my ears, similar to when I speak with Sean over the Power. “We are so happy to taste the flavor of your thoughts human. It has been so long.”

  It wasn’t just the single Golem that was speaking to me, that was what struck me first. All of them spoke with the same voice, each an individual but somehow of the same body. I felt a shiver ran through my flesh at the alien-ness of the thoughts brushing up against my own. I could feel the golem hive mind rifling through my mind and I held back from forcing it out.

  “Are you done?” I asked after a few seconds.

  “Yessss you are so polite to let us taste.”

  “What are you really?” I asked, my own tendrils of Power delving deeply into the hive mind, unsure and confused at what I was finding. Each layer of its psyche was older and stranger than the last. “You can’t be what my brother thinks you are.”

  “Ohhhhh but weeee are…. God gave us shape; it gave us form. It sets will to want and we are happy to serve.” It paused then and I could sense it struggling to form thoughts into communication, before beginning haltingly.

  “We are not new… we came here long ago… from all lands.” It grew more confident as it spoke, the words coming easier as I let it pick at my mind. “We were the hearts of springs and mountains, worshiped and forged by belief.”

  Their words didn’t paint a complete picture, but I could discern more meaning behind them, conveyed in mental images. They had been born from the faith of humans. Worshipped as minor gods in polytheistic societies. The cultures had faded and their gods been forgotten. What was left were echoes of thought and desire, finally wandering their way down into the roots of the world. Waiting for some spark or voice to call them again, so they could be of service.

  My brother, that stupid and wonderful young man, had no idea what he had created here. These golems had semi-autonomous wills, they knew the surface topography and being made of metal and stone, were able to step back into the earth and reach through it, pulling back anything.

  I spent hours upon hours studying them and at the end of that first day, I walked over to the edge o
f the cavern and drawing deeply on the Power, stepped into the solid rock wall, feeling strange as the atoms of my being slipped between the atoms of the rock. With a thought I was speeding up and away, stepping free of the earth and standing on the mountains frozen peak, wind whipping my hair around me.

  I felt a rush of exultation at my discovery, for it meant freedom and the ability to travel wherever I needed to in the world. I didn’t think I would ever be able to shadow travel like Sean, but I had found my own form that served the same purpose.

  Stepping back through the stone I made a detour and then emerged into my bedroom with a pint of vanilla Haggen Daz nabbed from a market and no one else the wiser.

  Soon Melinda came to check on me and I drew her into my bed. Her lithe graceful beauty always draws my eyes and seeing he with Sean earlier in the day had made me wild with passion to hold and touch the woman.

  She was delighted at my advances and soon we were in bed naked and embracing, her fingers and tongue trailing fire across my skin. I have been with women a couple times in my life but never with one quite as talented with her tongue as Melinda. We slept in each other’s arms and I woke early to set up the days training for Sean.

  This morning I wanted to change things up for him and mom, aunt Sharon and Diane were sent in. He had himself a wild time with the MILFs of the house and then I sent in the twins for the next round, and so it went.

  On the third day I finally felt prepared for our first foray into the outer world.

  The Circle was on hand to witness our first time traveling, ready with medical aid and Mothers own Power just in case. I drew deeply on the Power and reach out to hold hands with Tajwa on one side and Asuka on the other. I dared not take any more with me yet.