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Coven Master 4: (A Harem Fantasy) Page 2

  “Knowledge is like that. It brings discomfort that only grows greater before understanding arrives. The woman who gave it to you, this, Dr. Ngyuen… I think it would be prudent for you to invite her over for dinner this week, her and your friend Simon. It would be good to get to know them both. Especially if they’re to be… involved in your quest.”

  Logan kept his head down and shoveled the rest of his meal down as Evelyn went back to her reading. He wasn’t sure what to think about his dalliances with his best friend’s mom. On one hand it had been a dream come true to sleep with the busty and beautiful doctor, but on the other hand it was his friend’s mom… Besides, having the shy and retiring woman around this place, with three busty witches, not to mention the always outrageous Ly’Synthia might be too much excitement even for him.

  “I think Thursday will be perfect,” Evelyn said, “I’ll speak with Gwen and have her arrange things with Simon’s Mom. Lord,” her voice brought Logan’s head up and he met her pale blue eyes, seeing understanding but firm resolve in her gaze, “you cannot do everything yourself. My sisters and I will always do what’s in your best interest, even if it might not seem so in the moment. Dr. Ngyuen should be given the chance to meet all those who… care about you.”

  “I agree,” Logan said, setting aside his own worries and trying to see the problem clearly, “but let me invite them. Thursday should be good; it will give me a chance to work with Eris tomorrow.”

  “Perfect,” Evelyn said, flashing a broad smile and leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek, and trace one long nail down his chest, “You’ll make sure to spend at least one or two evenings a week with us, yes? I understand the need for privacy, and your little warrior friend is exotic and lovely… but my sisters and I have needs as well, you understand?”

  All the young man could do was nod as the gorgeous witch’s eyes flashed and her head dipped down below the table. Logan moaned in pleasure as her thick lips slipped over the head of his cock and slid his fingers into her hair.

  Chapter 3

  Fifteen minutes later, Ly’Synthia stepped into the kitchen to find Witch Evelyn pulling down her skirts as she stood up from the sink. The woman’s cheeks were flush, and her pupils swollen from pleasure as she struggled to situate her over-ripe cleavage within the top of her dress.

  “If you wish to bathe before studies, I suggest you get moving, sire,” the guardswoman said, “there will be time to enjoy your playthings later.”

  “You two play nice,” Logan said, unable to hide his amusement as the witch and dark elf eyed one another speculatively. Then he noticed the tiny school-girl uniform Ly’Synthia was wearing and nearly tripped when he did a double take. “Gwen picked that out for you to wear to school?”

  “Yes… is there something wrong with it? The skirt seemed rather short but if that’s the fashion on your world-.”

  “You look lovely, dear,” Evelyn said, pulling down a plate and making up a heaping plate of eggs and sausage for the guardswoman. “You might attract some attention… especially with that top, but what young woman doesn’t enjoy the attentions of others?”

  “Amongst my people I am not considered particularly young,” Ly’Synthia said, as she sat and frowned at the plate of food, testing it with a sniff before trying a hesitant bite of sausage. “This is delicious! Mhmmh!”

  Logan left the witch and warrior with the former, trying to get the latter to use the fork or at the very least the napkins she’d laid out. Instead, the dark elf shoveled the food into her mouth with surprised joy, asking for more as she licked her fingers clean. Evelyn had given the young hero a workout, and he luxuriated in a long shower.

  The bathroom was a small space, its walls covered with a dozen or more small paintings of mermaids and water nymphs, and dried incense hanging from one corner. The shower itself was little wider than the young man’s shoulders, but the water was sweet and clean as if it flowed straight from a spring and could get so hot it left his skin red and raw as he liked it.

  Grabbing the tome Dawn had given him and shoving it in his backpack, Logan followed the sounds of energetic conversation to find Ly’Synthia regaling Evelyn with a tale from the Darkened.

  “And then the demon sank his fangs into my sister’s thigh, but his neck was open to my blade. I had to choose, kill the demon and complete our mission, or save my sister’s thigh and wear the dishonor. Instead, the fiend released a poisonous gas that nearly killed us all before Vo-Manderly came in with his Fan of Everwind.”

  “This is the item you mentioned,” Evelyn said, her hand moving almost without thought as it jotted down notes, “One of those tied to your piece of the broken throne.”

  “So, the sages say,” Ly’Synthia said, standing as I stepped into the room, “If you want to hear more of our rangings through the Darkened I’ll be happy to tell you over some Fae wine, or a nice pipe of smoke. Are you ready for our day of education and excellence, your majesty?”

  “Yea, but you better not use any of the ‘sires’ or ‘your majesties’ out in the regular world.”

  “Have no fear, sire,” Ly’Synthia said, smiling confidently, “part of my training as a cadet was in how to hide amongst the humans, should the mission ever arise where I found myself in this world. I’m ready to blend right in.”

  Logan took in the six-foot-tall, ebony skinned woman and bit his tongue to keep from arguing with her. Her hair was blue-black, the tips colored violet to match her eyes. The eyes they could hide behind dark lenses, which the elf pulled on before they stepped out, their thick frames giving her a studious and somewhat nerdy appearance, offset by her clothing.

  Gwen must have been in an interesting mood when she picked out the tiny red-plaid skirt and short sleeved, button up white top. The top stopped an inch or two above the woman’s smooth, elongated navel, revealing smooth abs and a lot of dark flesh. Long legs reached down to knee high white socks and shiny black shoes and Logan didn’t know whether to be amused or turned on and found both to be disconcerting.

  “I took the liberty of hauling out Eris’s old bike from the shed,” Evelyn said, “Eris and Gwen helped me clean it up, but you’ll have to get it registered, and Gwen mentioned something about insurance. You need insurance to ride around on an engine?”

  “In order to own a vehicle,” Logan said, peeking out the curtain at the side yard where a low black motorcycle sat, “Are you serious? Evelyn, you didn’t have to…”

  The witch beamed as the young man’s eyes grew misty and she waved him off.

  “Go on then, enjoy your death machine!”

  She had to shout as Logan ran out of the house to check out the motorcycle. The sign on the gas tank was worn down and there were odd scars on the steel, like the bike had been struck by lightning more than once. The handlebars were straight and the seat wide and long. Swinging one long leg over, Logan sank down and felt a thrill run through him at having the heavy bike between his thighs.

  “You look good on it,” the voice coming from his right startled him and Logan looked over to find Eris peeking out her lab window.

  “Thank you, I can’t tell you how much this means to me,” he beamed.

  “Freedom is a right, not a privilege. Go enjoy yourself and stop hopping over fences like a vagrant!”

  Logan laughed as the window slammed shut and flicked the key in the ignition, hearing the battery click on, then gave a little twist of the throttle and kicked the pedal. The sound of the engine purring to life was almost better than the feel of it throbbing awake. Looking up at Ly’Synthia standing just outside the kitchen door and Evelyn standing in the doorway, he waved the dark elf over.

  The warrior’s long locks bounced as she ran, her long ears peeking out now and then, and her skirt rose to flash pink panties a time or two, then she swung up behind him.

  “This is a fine steed you’ve acquired, sire,” Ly’Synthia said, her smile growing as the seat purred beneath her, “Let us take her for a ride.”

  One family Logan ha
d lived with in foster care for a few months had dirt bikes, and though their son had been jealous and possessive of his toys, the father had taught Logan how to ride. The 150cc bikes he’d ridden hadn’t been a fraction as heavy or powerful as the bike he sat on how, and he felt his smile stretch as he opened up the throttle and pulled out onto Sycamore Lane.

  Turning onto a country road, Logan let the engine have its head, loving the feeling when Ly’Synthia gripped him tighter as they took off. The dark elf was laughing, her head thrown back and hair streaming behind her. A farmer lifting a bale of hay on his lands paused and nearly tipped over when he saw the pair ride past. The poor old man’s eyes were wide as he watched the busty woman’s skirt rippling around her waist, pink panties on display and the tiny, white top covering little of her dark flesh.

  Logan took a long route around town and came onto campus from the north end. Feeling a touch self-conscious as the motorcycle’s engine drew stares, and then even more when people noticed Ly’Synthia on the back. His shoulders were tense when he parked and turned the bike off, waiting for someone to notice the tall, gorgeous woman sitting behind him wasn’t a human, but no one seemed to look past the massive breasts bursting from her top, or the long slender legs reaching up into her skirt.

  “Loggy-woggy isn’t walking to school anymore?” Asked a snide voice from behind Logan as he swung off the bike, and he cursed silently when he recognized Brad’s voice.

  “Shut up, Brad,” said Sarah beside him, glancing up at the jock with a frown, “who’s your friend, Logan?”

  “This is Syn,” Logan said, “Syn, these are some of Becca’s… friends?”

  “It is a pleasure to meet acquaintances of Rebecca. She is an honorable and beautiful woman who has shown my… Logan, proper respect and love.” Sarah snorted a laugh, but Brad’s face grew stiff, and Logan could see him struggling not to check the elf out.

  “Is your hair done in balayage style?” Rebecca asked, “Where did you get it done? I’ve been trying to find someone for months, but I can’t find anyone in town who’s good.”

  “Bally Age?”

  “Yes, its balayage! She got it done in L.A. Isn’t it gorgeous?” Becca’s voice sent a wave of relief through Logan, and he turned with a grin that twisted when he saw who she’d brought with her.

  Jex’Amina walked beside Becca, peering around her with wide eyes, staring at everything as if it were the first time she’d seen a bicycle, car or tree. The tiny elf had on thick, black-framed glasses as well, her eye color masked with a hint of Fae, as Ly’Synthia were. Instead of the jeans and tight band t-shirt Becca wore, Jex’Amina wore a tiny black dress that conformed to her slender body as if it had been painted on.

  With no bra beneath, nor bottoms, Logan saw in panic, every inch of her body was on display beneath the tight Lycra dress. Topping off the outrageous outfit was a pair of five-inch heels and a large wide brimmed hat with floppy sides. Sarah’s eyes bulged when she saw the little elf, and once again Logan felt certain she or Brad would recognize that Jex’Amina and Ly’Synthia’s bodies were too flawless and just a touch in-human. Neither did however, instead the girl gushed over the pair while Brad didn’t know where to look.

  Chapter 4

  Becca smoothed things over whenever Ly’Synthia or Jex-‘mina put a foot wrong in the conversation, which was often. Their cover was that Ly’Synthia was my cousin from L.A. whose parents were foreign and worked in film or something. Jex’Amina, who introduced herself as ‘Jess’, Becca never explained and when the elf kept grabbing onto the girl’s arm, and Logan’s, he saw the couple raising their eyebrows, Sarah blushing and Brad a touch disbelieving.

  “Why did you let her wear that?” Logan asked Becca while Ly’Synthia peppered Sarah and Brad with uncomfortably personal questions.

  “You should have seen what she wanted to wear,” Becca snorted. “Oh, by the way, Meryl found my library card and is currently sitting with a few homeless people reading about ancient Greece or something.”

  “Is she searching for the grail?”

  “Who knows with that one,” Becca shrugged, then glanced over to the humans and elves, “They seem to be getting by easier than I thought they would.”

  “Not everyone’s fooled,” Logan said, nodding towards Simon who sat on the low wall where he normally waited for Logan, only instead of having his nose buried in a book, the boy had dropped his book and was staring with gawping mouth at the two elves.

  Hurrying over, Logan raised his hands to warn his large friend to silence, already knowing it would be useless from the expression on the boy’s face.

  “Those are not human’s, Logan,” Simon said when he drew near, “Why are you and Becca bringing non-humans to school? You should really play my game, Logan. I think it would help you.”

  “Umm, sure,” Logan said, “Syn and Jess are just… friends. I’ll explain it all later, if you want, but probably best not to mention-.”

  “I’m not stupid, Logan,” Simon said with a slight frown, then bent to retrieve his fallen novel and after straightening the pages carefully tucked it into his pocket where it bulged outrageously, “I know the rest of them can’t handle the truth about elves, dragons, faeries and demons. Did you do the reading for Mrs. Holgrims class?”

  “I didn’t,” Logan said, falling in beside his friend and feeling the presence of Ly’Synthia as she moved up behind him. Glancing back, he saw the dark elf trailing him and watching Simon with sharp eyes. “Syn, this is my best friend Simon, you don’t have to worry about him. Why don’t you hang out with, Becca and Jess? They’re going to get coffee from the kiosk.”

  “She won’t leave your side,” Simon said in an offhand tone, “blood oaths are like that. If Mrs. Holgrim is going to test us on the reading, and I believe she might, then you’ll want to read the first and third passages, the rest is redundant. Are you free tonight to come play-test my game? I finished the first stage, but it would be good if I got your feedback before the final encounters are designed. I fear what I have sketched out currently is going to be Hard Mode for anyone who attempts to save the Ladies.”

  “I can’t tonight,” Logan said, only half paying attention to what his friend said as he felt the eyes of dozens of people sweep his way and stare at the leggy, silver-haired, busty beauty striding so confidently behind him, “I’m supposed to train, err, study with Becca, Jess, and Syn.”

  “That will be good,” Simon said, then mused to himself, “maybe I can bump up some of the encounters then… Nothing’s been a real challenge lately.”

  They stopped outside of the building and waited for Becca and Jess to finish waiting in line. Logan saw guy after guy approach the popular brunette and ask about her little friend. Even Elton Connors, whose man-bun and tattoos always made the girls go crazy, didn’t get so much as a smile from the little elf. By the time the fifth approached her, he could see Becca snickering as Jex’Amina grew more and more annoyed with the awkward attention.

  “You smell of demons, boy,” Syn’s growl was low, but the look in her eyes was dangerous as she loomed over Simon.

  Logan raised his hand to intervene, but the pudgy boy just looked up, his expression as blank as ever and adjusted his glasses.

  “That’s because there’s one standing right behind that tree,” Simon pointed to a tree a few feet away, but it was thin as Logan’s forearm and couldn’t hide anything.

  Ly’Synthia glanced over and snorted a laugh of derision.

  “You’re touched in the head-.” The dark elf’s tongue froze when she saw Logan’s eyes had turned hard as agates and he was shaking his head slowly, the warning clear. Swallowing hard, the woman dipped her head, “I apologize for my rudeness.”

  “I will never understand religious people,” Simon said with a shake of his head as he turned to head inside.

  “Wait up,” Logan said, following his friend in. “Simon, is there something you want to tell me?”

  “Many things, Logan,” his friend said with a smil
e, “but I can never find the right words. You have to come play my game.”

  Logan nodded, but had to stifle his frustration with his odd friend. Sometimes dealing with someone on the spectrum was a practice in patience.

  “Thursday night,” Logan said, “you and your mom should come over to my new place and meet my… roommates. They want to have you both over. Can you bring the game with you on a laptop?”

  “I will compile and transfer it,” Simon said with a grin. “What are they going to cook? I’m lactose intolerant.”

  “I was thinking mac and cheese with ice cream for dessert,” Logan said, biting his lip.

  “Logan, that is full of dairy. Do you know what lactose is? Lactose is a disaccharide. It is a sugar composed of galactose and glucose subunits. Malabsorption is the problem my intestinal system has and when my bowels fill with the sugars, they get very watery, gassy and explosive. You would not like me when I’m explosive.”

  “Like the hulk, only brown.”

  Both Simon and Logan turned to find Becca standing behind them with her cup of coffee, waggling her eyebrows at the joke.

  “I like this one, Logan.” Simon said, “Never lose her.”

  “Becca,” Logan said with a grimace and a laugh, “that was… foul.”

  “Poo humor’s the best humor,” the girl said, slipping her arm into both of theirs and leading them down the hall to class.

  Logan didn’t fail to notice that Simon allowed the touch without even a smidge of discomfort. Pleased to see his friends growing ease with Becca, he dug into his backpack for the textbook he hadn’t read. Getting back into the swing of school would be hard after this last adventure, but Logan welcomed the musty old classroom, and the gorgeous teacher who was writing on the board.

  The world is perfect, Logan thought to himself.