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“Even better!” She said, “I know where the monsters lair is!”
“Tajwa, you’re a genius.”
It was a difficult journey back to our cavern holdfast, but the success of our mission gave me extra focus and drive as we sped our way back to find the Circle waiting our return. The women burst out in cheers when we emerged from the stone wall, crowding around a confused Dr Khan and handing out glasses of bubbles.
“You did it!” Mom said as she gave me a big hug.
“Of course, I did.” I said, “Now the hard part, convincing Sean.”
“I don’t think it will be too difficult,” Mom replied, “I have given that some thought.
Chapter Three
I awoke one morning to find Ashlyn waiting for me with a cup of steaming coffee. She had a serious expression on her face, and I could sense what she was here to talk about.
“It’s time Sean to share the Power with the rest of them.” She said it in a soothing voice.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed and took the cup of coffee from her.
“I’m still not sure it’s the wisest course,” I began but Ashlyn cut me off.
“That’s nonsense and you know it. Every one of those women are sitting ducks with no way to defend themselves if the Enemy were to attack us.” She crossed her arms and looked at me with a concerned expression, “What is it that really bothers you?”
“When I endowed you and mom with the Power, if weakened me.” I admitted, “It is a terrifying feeling being that much weaker all of the sudden and I fear, endowing so many women would leave me too vulnerable.” Having finally admitted the shameful truth I couldn’t meet her eyes.
“Don’t you see though!” Ashlyn said, her eyes intense, “You aren’t weaker for sharing the Power, with my strength added to yours, you were stronger than before you gave it to me. And it was the same with mom, I felt it.” Then Ashlyn stood and pulled off her shirt revealing her large and perfectly shaped breasts, then pushing down her jeans she stepped forward taking the coffee cup from my hands and setting it on the floor.
“Once you have given them the Power,” She pressed me back onto the bed and crawled atop my hips, reached down with her soft hand stroked my dick, positioning it at her tight wet entrance. Leaning over me she whispered in my ear as she sheathed my cock in her tight pussy.
“Think of it,” her lips brushed my ear and my hands slipped up her smooth thighs and hips, caressing her heavenly body, “Orgies of golden glowing bodies, orgasms unending.”
I had already given in to her argument, but I let her ride me, whispering dirtier and dirtier things into my ears, enjoying her trying to convince me. Then I lost myself in the pleasure of her, not bothering to go golden and worry about increasing my Power maximally, just making love to my gorgeous step-sister.
When we emerged from the rooms twenty minutes later, I found the women had set up a number of pieces of equipment and a bed in the middle of one room. They all stood around, nervously talking to one another but they stopped when Ashlyn and I walked in. I took a moment to meet each woman’s eyes, in each one I saw some mixture of resolve, hope, fear and desire. Finally, I turned to the new face in the room.
She stood in a tight green dress that showed off her stunning hourglass figure to perfection. I had no idea the woman was such a beauty, her legs were strong and tan, with smooth supple skin, her breasts were large and seemed to have weight to them, as the plunging neckline of her dress showed them off to best advantage. She was nervously wiping the palms of her hands on her thighs and adjusted her glasses for a third time that minute, her eyes holding a mixture of awe and tremulous joy at finally seeing me.
I didn’t bother to speak, I just held out my hand and let the Power become visible as I read her deeply. I was halted by the complexity and intricacy of the synaptic matrix of her mind, turning I gave Ashlyn a smile.
“You found a wonder sister,” turning back I said, “It is a pleasure to meet you Dr Khan.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” she replied with a small smile.
I continued my reading of her. Mid-thirties and completely driven by her work, to heal as much of the world as possible from sickness and pain. She was normally ambivalent to her appearance, but Ashlyn had begun to work on her in, interesting ways. She was normally ambivalent to sex and pleasures of the flesh and looking around the room at all of these beautiful women, enthralled to one man, she wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
“Very well,” I said, “Let us begin and see if this will work.” There was a great sigh from around the room as the women let out their collectively held breaths. Dr Khan went over to the table and began finalizing her set up as Kate walked forward.
I opened my mouth to speak but Ashlyn gripped my arm tightly and I heard her voice in my mind. “She insisted on being first and seeing her go through it will give the others the reassurance they need.”
I held my tongue, but all the sudden things became even more real for me.
I approached the table and held Kates hand as Dr Khan inserted the IV and electrodes into her and set up the machines. She looked up at me with hopeful and tear-filled eyes then Dr Khan inserted a needle into the IV port and the fluid began to stream into Kates veins.
“When you wake,” I said keeping my voice calm and quiet, “you will be amongst us.” And I pulled Ashlyn close, my mother was standing on the other side of the bed, both were drawing the Power into themselves just in case.
Kates eyes lids began to flutter almost instantly, and I looked up at Dr Khan and she gave me a small nod and turned back to monitoring her systems.
“Prepare yourself, whatever you need to do,” she said, “the moment of simulated death will approach quickly and then I will need to begin to dial back the medications.” I nodded and drew the Power into myself, feeling my flesh begin to glow with its light.
The rest of the women huddled close and I could feel them holding their breaths as I drew forth a sliver of my soul once more, the glowing small crystal of power diminished my own strength slightly, but I held it above Kate, waiting.
Slow seconds passed; the room silent except for Kates deep breaths. I was just about to give up hope that the procedure would work, and then I felt it. A fluttering darkness around the edges of her mind as the embrace of death almost but not quite swallowed it. That opening was exactly what the Power needed to take root.
The glowing golden sliver of Power descended into Kates chest and with a might gasp the dark haired beautiful young woman sat up, her eyes wide in wonder as a thimble full of Power filled her. A stunned silent moment as she reached out with the Power and caressed my cheek.
“My love…” she whispered, and then collapsed on the bed passing out from the exhaustion of her ordeal, just as my sister and mother had.
There was an explosion of cheers around the room as the woman capered and hugged one another in their exuberance. Everyone that is except for Dr Khan who was furiously typing notes into a laptop and checking that her software was still recording the events and readouts from her systems.
“Me next!” Shouted Melinda.
“No, me!” Cried Tajwa.
Then a chorus of voices were calling out. It took my sister all of two seconds to calm the women down and then she had them moving Kate to her bed and setting up the next woman on the table.
The process was a little draining on me, but mostly it was the loss of strength that hurt me so deeply. Each woman that came before me was a miracle as I was able to infuse and endow her with the Power. But at the same time each woman drew away from me Power I had begun to covet dearly.
Mother was carrying the last woman in my harem to be gifted with the Power out of the room on flows of Power and Ashlyn came to give me a big hug.
“I know how hard that was little brother, but don’t worry. We will build our strength back up, all of us together.” She pulled back and looked me deep in the eyes.
“I didn’t tell you the best part!” and t
hen she was sharing her memories with me, the thoughts she had pulled from the minions minds, and with a great sigh of relief I learned the Enemy had no idea I could gift these women the Power. I had hoped to keep the advantage secret and was happy to learn we still had it.
We both turned to find Dr Khan fitting an IV to her own arm and preparing the medications.
“There is something about the Power you should know first, Dr Khan,” Ashlyn began, “you see it will still be tied to Sean here. You will be no stronger than the women you saw leave here today, still able to heal any person who appears before you.”
The doctor paused there her face growing suspicious.
“But…” she said, prompting Ashlyn.
“But you will only grow more powerful if you are near Sean when he… achieves his completion.” The doctor just laughed and inserted the needle, beginning the process on herself.
“Girl I assumed I would have to sleep with your brother in order to be granted the Power. I’ve already consoled myself to the fact that I might have to sleep with this gorgeous young man.” Her smile was mischievous as she said it and I could already feel her beginning to fade.
The Power slipped down into the woman’s chest and she started up with awe on her face, “My data!” She shouted, before she too passed out.
I slept like the dead that night and woke up feeling depressed and sad as I drew in the Power, feeling only dribbles of it trickle into me, compared to what I had been able to wield the day before. As I manipulated the Power however I was amazed to find that the greater dexterity and efficacy that I had gained when becoming more powerful was still there, it was only my level of Power that was decreased.
So, I was in a somewhat better mood than I woke in as headed out of my bedroom in search of the rest of the women. What I found drove all thought from my mind. I heard them first, Ashlyn voice calling out loudest of all over the hum of the others conversing with one another. Small detonations and hair razing zaps filled the hair before I turned the corner to find all of the women practicing with the Power, under my sisters guidance.
I could only stare in wonder at the sight of all sixteen beautiful and strong women, dancing around one another as they hurled fire and lightning back and forth. Some tried swaying other minds and others were simply playing with the Power, Gabrielle was flying through the air a beatific expression on her face.
Why had I never thought to fly? I thought in envy.
They one and all had been perfected in ways by the Powers influence on their bodies. Much as I and my sister had been. Looking around; their inner beauty was reflected through their greatest outer qualities, and their bodies took on the shape that the woman desired most, thus in turn feeding the inner beauty with confidence.
When they noticed I was standing there they stopped their practice.
“Looks like the real training can finally begin.” Ashlyn said and the hunger in her eyes excited me as I felt incredibly horny all of the sudden, almost mad with desire. Looking around I saw both my huge breasted stepmom and my little busty cousin working weaves of the Power on my, increasing my libido and blood flow.
All around the room women began slipping free of their clothes. Naked flesh both pale, tan and dark was revealed in a multitude before my eyes; breasts and hips and asses each more lovely than the last.
I reached out with the Power and dragged Kate onto my cock, not bothering with foreplay in my desperate need. I saw Ashlyn grin a feral grin as she pulled Melinda into a tight embrace, her hand forming a big Power forged cock between her legs that she slipped into Melinda’s tight pussy. The elegant brunette tossed her head back and cried out in surprise and pleasure, arms of her own Power reaching back, pulling my sister even deeper into her pussy.
Gabrielle had found a willing and happy sub in my stepmom and she had her on her knees face between her thick dark thighs, as she teased and tickled my mom’s pussy with her own Power. One of the twins had peeled off with Diane, Kates mom and the older woman was taking her time, in awe of the new lithe young blond toy she got to play with.
The other twin came to press herself against my back touching and caressing me, my skin alighting with golden energy and both she and Kate cried out in orgasm. I lay Kate on her back and positioned Justine above her on hands and knees and alternated between sliding my big hard cock in and out of each tight young pussy. It was just a couple of strokes before I felt my orgasm crash through me, the golden energy washed through the room in a wake of orgasmic energy.
Each woman exploded in orgasm, minor little waves of their pleasure rippling and bouncing all around the room, each echo melding with the others. The experience was like nothing I have ever felt before, a second less powerful orgasm hit me moments after the first, sending a second shockwave through the group and repeating the process, the aftershocks coming weaker and weaker. Until finally several minutes later we all managed to lift our limp heads and look around at one another in amazement.
Dr Khan, who I hadn’t really noticed up until now, had her arms wrapped tightly around Tajwa and her breathing came hard and fast, her eyes somewhat wild but still so shrewd.
“Like roots,” she said, and everyone turned dazed faces to regard her, “or a network that is interconnected. There is a feedback loop.” Then her eyes alighted with an idea and she turned to look at Ashlyn, “We can use this, if we test it properly and find the systems upper and lower bounds.”
“What?” Ashlyn and I said at the same time.
“Your strength.” Said Tajwa, nodding and smiling at Dr Khan before turning to look at me, “did it grow the normal amount?”
I pulled myself free of Kate and Justine and drew the Power in deeply. It was hard to tell with how much my strength had changed throughout the day before, but I was almost certain that I was far stronger than I had been when I woke.
“How is this possible?” I asked.
“The network reached a critical mass state thus allowing for exponential growth from the feedback loop.” Said Dr Khan, “I will have to test for it, have to find a way to measure your strength, see if this is even an optimal number for the configuration. Perhaps a prime number could be best… But if my theory is correct then each woman in the Circle will exponentially increase the Power you gain each… time.”
I turned to stare at Ashlyn, our eyes meeting as understanding hit.
“We have a chance.” I whispered and I felt my desire climbing once more and my cock growing hard, looking up I saw my stepmom and aunt Sharon walking towards me, Power emanating from them both.
“We grew more powerful too Sean,” my mom said, “Far stronger than your sister and I had before.”
Women began to stir around the room, the air heavy with hunger and desire once more, the smells of sweat and sex thick upon the air. The Power swirling amongst the harem, like a living force of love and strength that bound us all together.
“You have work to do young man…” Aunt Sharon whispered, and with a sharp intake of breath I felt my mom’s wet warm mouth close over the head of my cock.
With a sigh of joy and a smile for the pleasure about to come, I drew in the Power, going golden. This orgy had just begun, and soon we would be taking the fight to the Enemy himself.
The final chapter of The Power is coming soon!
Fractured Press
(for inquiries about publishing contact [email protected])
Nick Storming:
A Mother’s Awakening – MILF, Step Fantasy
Mourning Father – Family FFM, Step Fantasy
Mother-in-Law Saved My Marriage! – MILF Fantasy
Mother-in-Law Saved My Marriage! 2 – MILF Fantasy
Taboo MILF Blackmailed! – MILF, Step Fantasy
The Man Next Door – Mom Daughter FFM, Step Fantasy
Taboo MILF Collection
Taboo Daddy Collection
The Summer Intern – Daddy Dom, Step Fantasy
Comforting Daddy – Daddy, Virgin, Step Fantasy
own on the Farm – Daddy Girl, Step Fantasy
Off to College – Daddy’s Girl, Step Fantasy
Beach Getaway – BWWM, Daddy’s Girl, Step Fantasy
Summer Fling – Sister Brother, Step Fantasy
A New Perspective – MMF, First Time Gay Fantasy
Series: Harem World
Harem World: Part One
Harem World: Part Two (Coming Soon!)
Series: The Power (A Taboo Step Harem Urban Fantasy)
The Power: Volume One
The Power: Volume Two
The Power: Volume Three
The Power: Volume Four
The Power: Volume Five (Coming Soon!)
Series: God Kings Harem (A Taboo Magical Harem Fantasy)
Crowning of the King
Drums of War
Assassins’ Gamble (Coming Soon!)
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