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The Stormy Mountains Page 4

  “What gift?” The woman asked, suspicious.

  I reached behind me and pulled out the rifle that had been taken from one of Captain Peckering’s men. I laid the rifle before me and saw the woman’s eyes widen, the warriors behind her taking a half step forward, avarice on their faces.

  “Three rifles with ammunition,” I said.

  “What will you take for this priceless gift?” Anwee asked and I already knew she was sold on it. Her people could really use the grain, but the rifles would improve their ability to hunt in these mountains during the winder by leaps and bounds, as well as providing them with security.

  “Colt took the weapons off men who tried to rob us and kidnap me and several women,” I said my back straight, “they are his by rights. So, what do you offer him for them?”

  The handsome older Indian woman glanced at Colt where he stood off to the side, his arms crossed over his wide chest. Her gaze grew speculative and she turned to the other woman and spoke softly in their language. The younger woman glanced at the older woman, her face blushing and she gave one fierce nod. The older women smiled at one another and glanced up at the chief he looked from the younger women to them and nodded as well, his eyes falling to the rifle with a covetous smile.

  “We offer to your son our most prized possession,” Anwee spoke her eyes on Colt, “We offer wisdom, and skill in weaving. We offer to you the hand of my niece, Lashwa. She has seen twenty summers and been to the poisoned sea to the west and knows the lands between there and here. She will be yours in both body and spirit.”

  I looked at the young woman, standing tall and proud now, unbowed by the new regard. Her eyes were dark and fierce as she stared at Colt, but I could see the barest tremble in her bottom lip, a sign of her worry that my beautiful and powerful stepson may not want her. Now that I took the time to appreciate her, I saw she was a singular beauty if a bit wild around the edges. Her hair was shiny black, a thick wild mane hanging down her back and over one shoulder. She had large firm breasts and wide firm hips, thighs and a behind that would make most women envious and most men drool. She was tall, an inch taller than myself and towering over most of the other women and had a dignity to her that reminded me of her aunt. I saw that they were indeed offering us something priceless, for in time this young woman would probably have come to rule the tribe.

  I turned to look at Colt, and when our eyes met, he saw that I was leaving the decision to him. He stepped forward, his gait smooth and sure. He ignored the Indians as they shied away from him, hands moving towards weapons nervously, and stepped up to Lashwa. The young woman looked up into Colt’s eyes and I saw the effect he had on her. His sheer masculine presence and powerful form shook her, and I saw her pride at wanting to be good enough, change into a hunger to be desired. Colt held her gaze and the air grew charged in the teepee.

  Anwee clapped her hands together hard and gave a bark in her language and all of the men filed out. As the chief passed us, I held up the rifle to him and he paused, glancing at Anwee who nodded. He reached out and took the weapon in reverent hands. Nodding deeply to me and then turning and nodding to Colt before he stepped out, closing the heavy flap behind himself.

  “Is this your desire Lashwa?” Colt asked in his deep voice.

  “I desire to be with the bravest and strongest of men,” she said, her voice caressing the words, “and to do what is best for our tribe… yes,” she said finally, her eyes tracing the lines of his face, “you are what I desire.”

  “Then you are mine,” Colt said with a fierce grin, and his hands rose and took the girls hips in his strong grip, her lips parting as her back arched. Their kiss was gentle at first but soon grew hungry, their hands on each other bodies holding tight. I felt the heat grow in my loins and saw Anwee and her sister blush, both women wetting their bottom lips. The older woman glanced at me, and I saw her face register shock when she saw not prudish worry on my face but open love and joy. Her smile grew and she spoke something in her harsh language. The young woman pulled back shocked and I saw the girl’s mother smile a wide sensual smile, settling down on one elbow as if she was poised to watch.

  “Our tribe claims right to the first child,” Anwee said, “the mother is of our blood. She is in her phase and ripe tonight.”

  The girl glanced nervously from Colt to her mother and around at the watching faces. I felt Mary and Goldie sidled up beside me, the girls nervous before in the high stake’s negotiations, now wore looks of lusty delight.

  “Then let the girl prove to us here and now her desire,” I said, and the charged atmosphere ramped up a few notches as all realized what I demanded.

  “Mother!” The young woman said, slightly scandalized.

  The older woman arched an eye brown and said something in their language and the girl blushed deeply, turning back to Colt with a look of firming resolve, but she forgot all of that the second he pulled her lips up to his. I saw her back relax, arms going slack for one moment. I heard my own breath him through my teeth as I could almost feel those powerful arms around me. Then he was laying the girl down, drawing aside the rough cloth of her dress. His hands couldn’t move fast enough for her however and she whipped the garment over her head, all embarrassment thrown aside as her glorious dark-skinned body rose, pressing Colt back even as she pulled his shirt up over his head. Her hands were quick and sure as they whipped his clothes free.

  The sigh of pleasure that came from the five women watching them cavort was audible at nearly the same moment. His muscled torso flexed, and the great beast of his spear sprang forth. Then his hands were once more on the young Indian woman hips and he pulled her down onto him. She arched her back, a hiss of pleasure escaping her lips as she sheathed him deep within her virginal opening. Then she rose, the black hairs around her sex glistening and fell further down him. Rising again I saw his girth and length coated in her wetness.

  “Ohh…” she sighed as he finally was seated fully within her, “Ohh great spirit…” Then Colt pulled her down to him, his hips thrusting up into her.

  The sound and scent of their sex causing me to shiver in delight. Lashwa’s hand gripped the side of Colts and she kissed him deeply, her hips rising and falling like a beast, driving him down harder and harder, her cries of pleasure escaping their lips. Then she was pulling him around. Her hands-on his perfect behind as she pulled him into her, imploring him to go harder, faster. Like two wild mustangs, they wrestled and fucked on the floor of the teepee. The two Indian women watched the fornications with as much avid interest as Mary, Goldie and me. Perhaps more.

  With a final below of pleasure, Colt filled her with his seed and the girl relaxed beneath him, shuddering in the throes of her final orgasm. Their gentle touches and soft kisses warmed my soul, and I knew right then that God had been watching over us all. There would be some issues from bringing a wild Indian woman into our wagon trains small community, but I knew it would work out in the end. It had to.

  Colt stood slowly, pulling on his pants and jacket, as the girl drew her thick dress about herself. Her mother and aunt stood, tears in their eyes as they pulled her into a hug. Then Colt as well. I stood, feeling tears in my eyes too. The desire still coursed through my veins, perhaps sharpening the emotional farewell even more. I gave the two Indian women hugs and promised that we would stay in touch with them and that our bonds now were everlasting.

  The girl ran off back down the crevasse and we waited while they split the grain and brought it back to us in the leather sacks they had taken. We had remounted and tied the sacks to our saddles by the time Lashwa returned. The tall beautiful native girl had tears in her eyes, and a blanket wrapped bundle on her back, as she hugged her friends and family goodbye one final time. By the time she swung up behind Colt on his saddle, she had a small smile on her lips, and I could see her excitement for the adventure ahead.

  We rode into the lightening sky and fading storm. The mountains were blanketed in a layer of fresh white snow, and the morning sun was just beg
inning to rise as we crossed the creek and cantered back to find the wagon train still waiting, packed and ready to go. We were met with consternation by the settlers when they saw the young Indian woman riding behind Colt, but then relief when they saw we had returned with half of the grains. It was easy enough to get up across the trail and through a winter or two. Colt set us off immediately, ignoring the exhaustion I know he must be feeling.

  Chapter Six

  It was a short day, and I took the opportunity to nap in our wagon as we trundled along through the mountains. The skies were still overcast and the wind chill, but the snows had stopped, and the wagons were able to roll through the loose dry snow with ease. At noon Mary found us a great spot to make camp and Colt had the wagons circled. He took time to reassure the settlers that there would be no more attacks or thefts, not from the tribes near here. There was a clamoring to hear the tale and it was Goldie who told it, unable to keep it to herself. Once the wagons had been unloaded and the animals cared for Goldie held court before the large common fire in the middle of the group, describing the meeting with the Indians. The crowd had rapt attention and I saw a small old white-haired head peek out from the Stevens main wagon. I made my way over and found an elderly woman, strong of face watching the group with interest. When I approached, she looked at me, her gaze dismissive at first then reassessing. I stopped before her and raised an eyebrow and watched the woman’s pleased smile light her face. I had found a kindred spirit, we could both sense it immediately.

  “You gonna share that gorgeous boy with more than just the young and pretty?” She asked, sounding every inch the crotchety old lady, her eyes narrowing.

  “Colt will decide that,” I said with a small smile.

  “Hmph!” She looked me up and down, her smile souring, “If you give the boy that choice, he’ll never stop wanting to stick you, woman. You ever look in a mirror?” I felt my face twist in confusion, and she shook her head, “Never mind, get in, we’ve things to discuss.”

  I climbed into the wagon behind the old woman, who shifted her useless legs behind herself. The inside was beautifully appointed with wooden cupboards built into the space, a small library of books neatly stacked on shelves and a small bed, just big enough or the woman. I took a seat on one small bench and she the other.

  “You and I have similar ideas girl,” she said in her harsh voice, her gentle hand movements as she delicately poured tea from a tiny warm kettle, at odds with the tone, “a world free of the stupidity of men.”

  “Not entirely,” I said accepting the steaming cup with a smile.

  “That boy of yours,” she said nodded out the wagon, “Is he all that here appears to be?”

  “And more,” I said with a small smile. The woman grimaced and nodded.

  “Aye, my girls dragged us after y’all on the hope, their men hope too, but I think they will be disappointed,” she looked at me for confirmation and I nodded slightly, “Hmph! Fools… Now answer my first question,” and she waggled a finger before my face when I went to speak, “None of that the boy will decide nonsense, we both know who that boy follows and loves. I’m no fool, girl.”

  I sat there for a moment and tilting my head took the old woman in. The resemblance to her daughters was obvious, to the whole clan of women and I realized they must all bear her name. She had handsome features and must have been quite the beauty when she was younger. Her great strength was in the fierce intelligence that burned in her eyes, and a razor-sharp wit that cuts faster than most thought. I knew how hard society, dominated by chauvinism, must have been for her to deal with, as it had been for me.

  “Will your menfolk cause trouble?” I asked, “I’ll not have petty jealousies and rivalries tear apart the world I seek to build.”

  “Hmph, not if they know what’s good for them,” I frowned as if to say, that’s not good enough and she said. “Your husband Henry and that Seamus, are the rumors true about their… proclivities?”

  “Henry and Seamus have found love with one another,” I said carefully.

  “So, I thought,” she said with a smile, “My poor late husband Eldred was the same, and he found a refuge from the evils of our world, and I got a husband who didn’t interfere in my affairs.”

  “Your girls?” I asked.

  “Aye, they followed in my footsteps,” she said with a challenging look that softened when I smiled in relief, “Found themselves men who needed a beard, a cover for their true selves.”

  “I understand,” I said, “and you wish to have more grandchildren.”

  “We all dream of it,” she said nodding, “dragged me after your boy, hoping they might get their chance, like that friend of yours, Molly.”

  “Your girls understand the way of things then?” I asked.

  “Oh aye,” she nodded smiling, “Colt is the alpha male of this group, the rest of them are cuckolds or have no interest in laying with women. I must say,” she said with a warm smile, “It is nice to find a kindred spirit out here in this wilderness.”

  “I feel the same,” I said with a warm smile of my own. We sat for a time speaking of small things and arrangements to be made while we drank our tea. She had a nice little set up with a bronze bowl of coals, filled each evening to both warm her wagon and heat the water. I promised to return soon for another cup of coffee and good conversation, then slipped out of the wagon. I found a small cluster of women sitting outside of the wagon, eating stew and venison. They all looked at me with hopeful eyes and rosy cheeks and when I looked to the eldest of the women, Sarah and nodded for her to follow me, there was a great sigh of relief and pleasure from the women.

  Sarah leaped to her feet and hurried to my side. I linked my arm in hers and walked her around the wagons, looking out over the snow-covered beautiful landscape I let the woman know the way of things. She was a wise woman much like her mother and had guessed much of what had been happening. I found her one flaw to be her supreme lack of self-confidence. The woman was rounded of thigh, hip, and bust and though she near trembled with desire and anticipation, she had a fragility to her mien that bespoke a worry that she would not be enough for Colt.

  “All we desire is good strong babies Ma’am,” she said as I steered her over to my wagon, “and I promise you’ll never see another hardworking and loyal clan than ours.”

  "I do not doubt it, Sarah," I said, then I stopped the woman just outside of the wagon and turned looking down into her soft brown eyes. She was of an age with me, and her kindness and wisdom shone through from her gaze and I felt warm inside.

  “Colt is a man who gives everything he has to every task he undertakes, I hope you and your sisters are prepared for that. The woman nodded but I could see she didn’t believe my words. I smiled and motioned for her to enter the wagon, “wait here for just a moment.” She gave a nervous smile and climbed into the wagon, fussing with her dress as she settled herself onto one of the wide cushions.

  I found Colt standing with Lashwa near the horses speaking quietly with the young native woman. She stared at up my stepson with fascination, her hand occasionally reaching out to touch him, reminding herself this was no dream. I took him aside and Annabelle came and got the Lashwa, both of them fascinated by the other and I saw Lashwa sitting beside Edith, her eyes awed by Annabelle’s loose golden curls.

  I felt the heat in my own loins still from the display I'd witnessed the evening before and was excited for the coming evening. First, though Colt had duties to perform. There was a buzz around the camp as eyes followed us, and I did nothing to hide where we were headed. Molly and Albert watched us and the rest of the crowd, both with growing smiles, I knew they couldn’t wait until they no longer had to hide what they were. Helen watched me with bright eyes, and I motioned her over with a subtle hand movement.

  I saw Colt smile as he moved into the back of the wagon, and Sarah’s eyes widened when she saw the look of undisguised desire in the handsome young man. She had been dreading the look she might find in his eyes, but I knew Co
lt better than she. He saw the beauty in most women and was nearly always up to breed a busty older woman. Then Helen was at my side and we watched as Colt drew the older plump woman to him, her low moan of surprised pleasure escaping her lips as he pulled her to his strong body. Her hands slid over his muscles and back, trembling, her eyes wide as they met mine, his lips kissing her neck.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed to me, her cheeks red as Helen and I watched their fumbling hands peeling clothes away from flesh, “Oh god!”

  The woman sighed as Colt’s fingers slid into her skirts, the wet sounds of her soaking sex filling the space, as he teased her opening and bud. I saw her shudder, her hands holding his face, gazing into his gorgeous eyes. Then his smile of desire ignited her, and he rose on his knees, the woman peeling back his pants and pulling free his mighty cock. She held it in awed hands, stroking it slowly before she kissed the head several times gently, her tongue sliding out and tasting him. She closed her eyes, face filled with desire and awe as she sucked him into her plump lips. Colt closed his eyes sighing in pleasure as she worked him to hardness.

  He pushed her back and she tried to cover her jiggling bits from his gaze, but he pulled her hands aside, touching and teasing her whole body. The woman’s eyes closed, and she bit her bottom lip in pleasure. I saw Sarah grip his hard rod and pull the thick head into her cleft. Her legs hooking around his thigh pulling him deep inside herself. They were lost in one another, the older woman, grunting in surprise as he stretched her wide, sighing in pleasure as he filled her. Then they were fucking with wild abandon, both desperately devouring each other in their need. Sarah’s cries of ecstasy climbing higher and higher.

  “Ahh… ahhh… AHH!... AHHYEE!!” She came beneath him, panting and shuddering in pleasure and held him tight, too sensitive for more just yet. Helen gripped my arm tight and I nodded to her. The tall pretty woman gave me a big smile and slipped into the back of the wagon. Sarah looked over Colts back her eyes widening as she saw Helen pulling her top off, large breasts swinging free. Then Helen bent between Colt’s legs and the young man started as her tongue slid over his balls and down to tease Sarah.