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Harem World 3 Read online
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“There is an evil walking this land, a Dark Queen, and she has sunk her talons deeply into this world, exploiting the greed of others. Guard your souls against her, do not shatter the world your forefathers built. Come together and forge it anew! Join me in this fight against darkness!”
The people cheered at first ragged, then with growing joy and pride as cries of "Harem Mage! Braden! Melinda! Harem Mage!" came from all sides. They went back to their work with renewed vigor, abuzz with all that had happened. The tale spread throughout the town, and there were small pockets of jubilation at the news of Helga and Indolo's death. Mounting fear and worry in others at the thought of Bond Mage turning against the empire.
Braden oversaw the servants as they moved Emma to a soft bed in a giant sweet of rooms. He thanked the healers but ushered them out of the room and closed the door, grateful for the moment of peace as he turned back to find Druska and Leesha looking down on the sleeping girl. Miko sat in a chair in the corner, her eyes tracking Braden as he walked over to the bed. The girl had been silent and thoughtful since his speech, but she hadn't gone more than a dozen feet from his side, no matter the looks Druska and Leesha shot at her. Leesha had carried a cloth-covered tray up from the courtyard and set it down on a side table.
"She will wake?" Druska asked her voice, concerned.
"In a moment," Leesha said, moving over to the table and drawing back the cloth, beneath were five small cups steaming with the vibrant green tea. The gentle scent was wafting on the air easing their breaths and hearts. She shared the cups around to everyone except Miko. Braden sipped his and felt the warm liquid settle deep in his stomach, spreading out through his whole being and integrating the power he had acquired with his ability to access it easily.
“Hey! Why don’t I get one?” Miko asked.
“You are… not yet… Bonded,” came Emma’s soft sweet voice.
"Emma!" Druska said, moving up to the bed quickly. The rest did as well, the first sip of tea had brought the girl around, and now she sat up slowly, Leesha passing her the cup as she gratefully accepted it.
“Good job… with the tea Leesha,” she smiled at the elf. Leesha blushed at the praise then realized she was easily five times as old as the girl and scowled at herself before smiling behind her cup as she sipped. Pleased none the less.
“Bonded?” The young woman said, the hope barely hidden in her voice, “You’re not going to lock me up like my step-father?”
“It’s your decision,” Braden said, “but to join in our quest is to leave your old family behind for a new one.”
"You fight the evil that was behind today?" She asked, standing and moving over.
“We fight all who oppose good and right,” Druska said firmly, her glorious green eyes flashing.
"We are united by love," Leesha said, standing beside Druska, her violet eyes dangerous and inviting, "and have bonds of faith."
"We are the light of the world," Emma said, her eyes a haunting silver glow in her gorgeous face as she stood from the bed, helped up by Druska and Leesha, "and I sense you will make a worthy sister."
"I…" her voice choked with emotion, "I've been so alone… my Lord Harem Mage, if not this, then I don't know why I exist. I trained for so long but with no purpose. Please, I would give anything to join you."
Braden held out his hand, certain now what had to be done, feeling the blood and magic do their work. His desire flooded in, just as his spear grew into steely hardness. She lifted one delicate hand, her eyes uncertain but hopeful as their fingers touched. Her pupils dilated, and she gasped out when she felt the thrumming power within this tall, handsome man. She felt it reverberate within her, hard and strong. The hole in her soul was calling out for its missing part. Then she was laying back, her gentle gasps of pleasure filling the room as her lord drew off her silky garments and peeled away her delicate panties. She reached down, covering her shame, face turning aside, but he moved her hands with gentle fingers, and then heaven itself lit a fire in her loins. His tongue traced across her most delicate parts, and soon she was singing to the heavens in joy, her little fists gripping the sheets.
She could take no more. Her body, having never know the touch of a man, was about to burst. Then he was upon her, his movements certain and touch gentle. She parted for him and her cries of pleasure rang out through the whole keep. Servants picking up their heads with wide eyes, blushing and avoiding each other’s gaze as the truth of what they heard struck home.
She was completed as he deposited his seed within, stretched so deliciously around him, the comforting weight of his muscular body holding her down. She felt the magic rush through her, iron-hard limbs cracking out and snapping the best posts as she writhed in ecstasy. The glorious heroes had saved her and Bonded her. She would be their shield till her dying breath, the first blink of action to knock back their foes.
Chapter Thirteen
Braden stood and watched for the fourth time as the magic took root. His breathing coming in gasps, and he struggled to keep his feet as the last of his strength left him. Druska was at his side, her slender, strong arms guiding him into the next room. She laid him back on the large mattress and stripped off the remainder of his clothing. He was asleep before she finished, and she drew the thick blankets over him, turning to find Leesha and Emma watching with gentle smiles from the door.
"Now we are four," Druska said feeling fierce pride at her master's powers. The girl had acted quickly and bravely in the fight and looked like she had some training and now strength. She would make an excellent addition to the harem.
Braden woke the next morning to find a long list of decisions and orders the sergeant and lesser nobles hadn't wanted to make, for fear of angering the Harem Mage. Thankfully he was able to put all of them off until his guest arrived. He ordered the men away after ordering the guardsmen to send the petitioners home. The imperial bureaucracy was more than capable of running the functions of the town without input from nobility, who it seemed they mostly ignored anyway. He left the guards with orders to tell him when the guardsman he had sent away returned. He had been careful so far to never issue an order straight out to anyone of rank, such as other nobility or councilors. There were hidden currents of imperial politics, and he was blind to them all and wished to remain removed as much as possible.
Emma had prepared cups of tea and the four women sat around the coffee table, looking radiant in their clean clothes, having bathed in the tubs of hot water the servants provided. Braden took his seat and sipped his tea, feeling his whole body relax as the magical warming liquid took effect. He glanced over to Miko and felt a thrill of pleasure at the sight of the adorable slender young woman. She moved with grace that belied the tremendous strength she now possessed, and her alabaster skin was hard as armor.
We have our Warrior, Braden thought with amusement, and she looks nothing like the part. She had trained in secret since she was a child — a form of protection from assassins and love for the sport of it. Her father had encouraged it and after her mother's marriage to the new Duke, Miko had continued the training in secret. The spear and round shield she had taken from the keep's armory stood beside Emma's staff along the wall. The girl had professed a love of all hand to hand weapons, taking particular interest in Druska's blade, though she had been respectful.
“Should we talk about our plans?” Druska asked.
“The plan hasn’t changed,” Braden reassured her, “we have even more reason to go to the Elvish lands than before. Emma wished to share the recipe for her rediscovered tea, and we need the elves' information on glyph magic. If yesterday taught us anything, it’s that we can’t afford to bumble around in the dark anymore.”
"We have to find out who Dark Queen is and what she wants," Leesha said, frowning, "If we don't know what motivates her, then we will be fighting blind and reacting to her forever."
“I agree,” said Druska, “we must strike back once we know our enemy.”
“She is the Mistress of Dea
th,” Emma said softly, her calm gaze drawing their curious looks, “I felt her cold evil power animating the creatures in the dark pit.”
Miko sat pressed back in her chair, glancing around, her eyes widening as she realized the world-shattering quests they were on. Braden turned his calm gaze to her, and she felt herself laid bare before those gorgeous blue eyes. Her heart fluttered as memories of their time together the night before drifted at the back of her thoughts.
“Miko do you have anything to add?” Braden asked her, his rich soothing voice draining away her shyness.
"My father has a ship that is simple to sail, we could make it to elven lands in time for your festival Leesha, with time to spare." Braden smiled broadly, and she felt her heart swell.
"That sounds like an excellent plan," he turned to Druska and the other ladies, "Any objections?" They had plenty, of course, but they worked through together and soon, the ladies began to plan what they would need for the several week journey. Braden had a sudden thought and turned to Miko.
“This ship requires a crew?”
"It can be managed by a hand or two, and I know how to work it," she said.
“So,” Braden said, “it would just be the five of us alone at sea?”
“Oh yes,” Miko purred, her eyelids drooping down in dark promise, “just us… all alone… with no one to hear or see what we might get up to or interrupt us.”
"I like this plan more and more," Druska nodding, her reservations fading fast.
“Alone except for the occasional Kraken," said Leesha in an offhand comment looking at her nails, “or pirates. Probably some pirates.”
“Don’t encourage her,” Emma admonished Leesha before they shared grins.
"It's settled then," Braden said. There was a knock at the door, and he called for them to enter. The door opened, and a slender hunched figure shuffled in pushed by a guardsman.
"You wanted this man, my Lord Harem Mage?" The guard asked, and several other guardsmen poked their heads in, trying to get a peek.
“Yes, bring Sergeant Essos and the Head Clerk please,” the man saluted and marched off.
"How are you, Simon? I hope I haven't troubled you too much." Braden said with a charming smile.
"I was in the middle of my counting when the brute said I was to come immediately. Didn't even get a chance to pack a snack," the brilliant young man complained as he straightened out his rumpled coat then he gulped, when Braden looked up and remembered to whom he addressed, bowing low, "Forgive me, my Lord, I meant no offense."
“No forgiveness necessary Simon. In fact, it is I who must ask your forgiveness.” Braden said.
“My Lord?” The young man said cocking his head.
"You see, we have pressing business in the land of the elves and must leave as soon as we possibly can." He motioned to the walls around him, "But there is no one to run this place, and I have to admit to some responsibility there, ahh Sergeant and Head Clerk Foxel, thank you for joining us."
The sergeant stood at attention, and beside him stood a tall blond girl with a willowy frame and keen-eyed gaze. Simon glanced at the two and did a double-take at the girl, swallowing deep. She glanced at him, her cheeks blushing before she turned away, smiling slightly.
“I’m glad I have you all here, I wanted to tell you that we’ll be taking the former Duke’s vessel,” he turned to Miko asking her with look.
"The Mighty Oar," She said, helpfully her pale cheeks blushing.
"Right," Braden said, "we shall be sailing in a couple days on The Mighty Oar. I would appreciate it if the acting duke would sell us the necessary supplies."
“Uhh Sir,” said the sergeant, “who is the acting duke?”
"Why Simon here, of course," Braden said, "I can't think of a smarter nor more capable set of hands to run this dutchy until the empire finds a replacement."
"Sir!" Said Simon, his voice high pitched, and Braden shot the young man a blanch and then turned it to the Head Clerk.
“I believe you have the relevant documents?”
"Yes, Sir!" The young woman said, and she pulled a thin, packed of yellow parchment from behind her back and laid them down on the coffee table, "transfer of custody and declaration of a state of emergency title transfer."
"But those are… My Lord," Simon said, his voice shocked.
"Simon," Braden said, his voice a whip crack of command that caused the young man to look at him, "these lands have seen mismanagement and corruption for far too long. Can you think of another who would serve better? If so, name, her or him now."
Simon's mouth closed, and he looked from around the room at the gorgeous and powerful women flanking Braden then at the sergeant and finally at the head clerk. The truth was he knew what needed doing, how to keep the streets clean, trade flowing, and the harvests brought in. He just never in his life had wanted the job.
“Congratulations?” The clerk said with a hopeful smile.
"Thank you," Simon said with a sigh of acceptance, then he took the quill signing the documents, as Braden clapped him on the back.
The smallfolk already spoke of the tale. The rumors had begun months before. Starting as a whisper on the wind. The Harem Mage came and defeated the evil rulers and replaced them with wise and capable ones. Dalton would undergo a healing, as it reckoned with the darkness wrought beneath the castle, and the empire would prosecute their wayward duke. But what of the Bond Mages, darker whispers went, what of their treachery and service to darker powers? None dared say what all worried, if the Bond Mages, the heart of the empire's strength was in league with evil, then all might be lost.
In truth, there was little for Braden and company to prep for their voyage. Instead of the quest bounty, which would have been paid by the not imprisoned former Duke, the town of Dalton saw fit to outfit them with whatever they needed for the trip.
Braden found himself in their rooms in the late afternoon, staring out an arrow slit at the town beyond. His quiet contemplation broken by a hand upon his shoulder and the warm presence of Druska by his side. He turned his head and they shared a glance, saying much without words as the slow smiles lit their faces. Lost children from different worlds, they had found one another. Her strength and clarity of purpose were a bulwark against his insecurities, just as his iron will and honor were hers.
As the sun sank beneath the horizon and dark stole into the room, their lips met, and arms folded one another into a warm embrace. The soft kiss grew in heat, and soon they were falling upon the bed, having shed their clothes en route. Once they were on the soft mattress, the down blankets cradling them together in a cocoon of warmth. Their desperation cooled, slow, graceful fingers traced each other's bodies. Braden enjoyed the perfection of Druska's body as he never could before, taking his time, free from prying ears or stress. They made love in full appreciation of what a miracle their meeting was.
In the end, as they lay panting holding each other close, not wanting to miss a second of skin on skin contact, they spoke of their hope and dreams, their life's joys and tragedies. Then they slept, and, in their dreams, they flew through the heavens together.
Braden woke the next morning with the strange feeling of being watched. He stirred on his back, his eyes blinking, and saw a sight out of heaven itself arrayed around him. Four smiling faces, glancing from one to another and smiling, then back down at him. They sat nude with their legs folded to one side, each more perfect than the last.
"We wanted to speak with you, Master," Druska said.
Leesha tapped his hip with one finger, “There is something we require of you.”
“Something we wish of each other,” Emma said with a look at Leesha, the small elf winked at the buxom blond who grinned back.
"To…" began Miko hesitantly, glancing at Druska and then back to Braden, "to reaffirm our love for one another."
“What is it?” Braden said, not sure he could deny these women anything.
“We wish to meet like this,” Dru
ska said, “all the First Wives and our Master and let no darkness stand between any of us. As regularly as we are able.”
“To breed!” Said Leesha with a laugh as she launched herself at Braden, he wrapped his arms around her, feeling her slender waist as he pulled her to his side, his lips brushing hers, taking just a taste of the soft pink flesh.
"That sounds like heaven itself," Braden said, "and yes, of course, I would say yes!"
Leesha pulled his lips back to hers, and his strong hand cupped her pert firm butt close. Even as his other hand drew Miko to his other side, he turned his head and locked eyes with the slender young woman. She was like a willow in his arm, light and gentle fluttering fingers on his cheeks as her lips brushed his. Then the fire was lit in her, and the gentle fingers pressed him down with limbs strong as iron.
Beside them, Emma had Druska on her back, the girl in awe of the green-skinned aliens' body and physiology. Her fingers traced skin, and her hair pulsed as magic danced through Druska. The confident rogues eyes wide and body trembling, nipples tight and hard as her toes curled in a blistering orgasm, from just the girl's hands upon her thighs and hips. Druska collapsed, looking up at sweet innocent Emma, feeling like a first-year, up against, and gargantuan undead dragon. She was sure this battle was already lost, but she would go down fighting. Her fingers slid through the young woman's glorious hair even as her thick lips grazed Druska's neck.
They spent hours together upon the kingly mattress, reaffirming and renewing their vows of fellowship and love. Far to the east, the darkness grew, reaching out a cold hand that worked its insidious fingers into the very roots of life itself — waiting for the moment when it could clinch its fist and tear their world apart.